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<cat>Play.Hosting</cat>⤶ <title>Creating a server [Under Construction]</title>⤶ Creating a dedicated server is as easy as learning how to drive. With time spent comes understanding. The more research you do the more you will understand and easier this will be.⤶ ⤶ # Requirements⤶ ⤶ * Windows Machine⤶ * 8GB or more RAM⤶ * 10GB free space⤶ * 100 mb/s or more up and down internet speed⤶ ⤶ # Step 1 - Downloading SteamCMD⤶ ⤶ We need a tool steam provides us called "SteamCMD". This is used to download and update the server files.⤶ ⤶ #Links⤶ ⤶ I can link to [external pages]( and <page>Internal Pages</page>