Rust Wiki

Server Gamemodes History

5 Months Ago
server-gamemodes - hardcore status update + Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change + "vanilla" mode warning
7 Months Ago
server-gamemodes - don't mark tech tree nerf as a new feature, it's been an year already
1 Year Ago
server-gamemodes - Added info for hidden "survival" mode
by Pellux
server-gamemodes - No Hardcore changes as of recently, so add a note that details on this page remain relevant since last article update in September..
server-gamemodes - include new debug world info commands as non-functional and new hardcore mode features + Better phrasing in first warning block since shit can break not only between vanilla/softcore
server-gamemodes - Add details about the hardcore mode, please update it if it's bullshit
3 Years Ago
server-gamemodes - added convar to change max team/auth size (requested by GlockWork)
server-gamemodes - clarify that gamemodes besides of softcore&vanilla are not working atm
server-gamemodes - Created Page (WIP, it needs tons of improvements)