S&box Wiki

User Changes: DoctorGurke

5 Months Ago
Sound_Events - update to scene?
Guide_to_Sounds - update to scene
1 Year Ago
Prediction - Minor Change
Prediction - Rewrite. More facts, less bullshit
Custom_Asset_Types - clarify serialization behavior with JsonIgnore attribute
ui-razor - Update warnings
Precaching - fix old api usage for SetModel(Model)
ui-razor - Add warnings about hotload performance of embedded stylesheet and templates
ui-razor - Add warning for limitations of @code embedded code + Minor Change
3 Years Ago
Tools_Vis_Modes - Minor Change
CustomPostProcessing - update to new PostProcess pipeline + formatting + Note about dynamic expression + Minor Change
UploadingYourMap - Minor Change + Minor Change
Dev_Tools - External console is gone
UploadingYourMap - Created Page + add category
CustomPostProcessing - add preview image for shader result
CustomPostProcessing - Created Page
Mapping_Resources - Minor Change
Making_Gamemode - added rider setup page
Mapping_Resources - Minor Change
Making_Gamemode - Minor Change
Creating_Sounds - Minor Change
Creating_Sounds - Cleaned up a bit
Mapping_Resources - fixed duplicate
Using_dev_tools - is this needed?
Mapping_Resources - Minor Change, header names
Mapping_Resources - grammar
Mapping_Resources - Minor Change + Minor Change
Mapping_Resources - priority, objectivitiy, note
Mapping_Resources - fixed order
Mapping_Resources - list order for priority