S&box Wiki

User Changes: DrakeFruit

3 Months Ago
Collisions - Less confusing, can someone figure out oncollisionupdate? + remove update, doesn't work
Triggers - trying to be more clear on how it works exactly, updated code example and videos, explanation of what a trigger is + method must be public void to work, can't just be void
GameObjects - link to scene page on official docs, feels weird ot not mention it at all
Setting_up_VSCode - grammar fix and link to .net 9 in warning
Setting_up_Rider - Rider is free, s&box uses .net 9
Editor - asset browser and cloud browser are different widgets
proton - Fix strange grammar and random capitalisation
7 Months Ago
Light_Entities - Light entities get converted automatically, probably no reason to have the page deprecated
pointer-events - pointer events can be enabled in c#
GettingStartedWithVR - disclaimer to parent camera through code if game is multiplayer
11 Months Ago
guide_to_materials - fix my spelling mistake, fuck you trundler
12 Months Ago
Collisions - Created Page, I'll add a code example when garry fixes ragdoll collisions
Triggers - Minor Change
ConVars - Update for scene system
Commands - Update for scene system, move to Input category + oops, remove warning
ConVars - add warning
Commands - restore old page with a warning
Creating_Editor_Tools - not technically deprecated, warning instead
SettingUpANavigationMesh - not done in hammer anymore, link official docs
Sound_Scapes - not deprecated
TypeLibrary - not deprecated
Hammer_API - not deprecated
RenderHooks - not deprecated, sorry
Triggers - Created Page, code example from testbed
embedding-websites - Update code example (I promise I tested it first) + update picture
1 Year Ago
Fonts - doesn't have to be in root folder because this isn't automatic
Fonts - nevermind then
Fonts - dont have to add fonts to resource paths anymore, fix some weird wording
Games/GettingStarted - Remove uploading / testing segment, they both have their own pages already + Editing code has it's own page too actually
CreatingProjects - Newer method
ProjectTypes - This is the best I can think of without just deleting the page, doesn't really make sense anymore
Games/GettingStarted - Warning, downloading assets directly is currently broken. update publishing guide
GettingStartedWithHammer - minor change
General_FAQ - Update
Sound_Scapes - deprecated, sounds are placed in scenes not hammer
Sound_Events - needs a rewrite
Guide_to_Sounds - needs a rewrite
Selection_Sets - deprecated
hotspot_materials - deprecated
Cordons - obsolete
Light_Entities - Entities don't exist
CreatingDoor - deprecated + forgot the > AGAIN
Hitboxes - remove entity references
RenderHooks - code examples are outdated, needs partial rewrite
Scenes - Hopefully remove anything obsolete, someone more experienced with scene rendering update this please
Creating_Editor_Tools - Tool projects don't exist anymore + oops
Hammer_API - hammer will be removed eventually
Hammer_Gizmos - hammer will be removed eventually
TypeLibrary - Outdated code example, obsolete
Cloud_Assets_from_code - .model is a bit too entity system
Traces - update for scene system, mostly
General_FAQ - add a monetization section, someone bugged me about it not existing
General_FAQ - this chart is really cool, but it doesn't make sense any more
Scene_System - Gonna move this to it's own page under rendering, write something about the actual scene system here + put something here for now, someone please find a use for this page
Scenes - moved scene rendering stuff here, the scene system page should be about the actual scene system + Rendering category
Clothing - deprecate
Bots - Bots no longer exist, and likely will never come back
Voice - Minor Change
Pawn - Pawn? never heard of it
MakingASimpleAI - delete page, deprecated and niche
GameLoop - Scenes don't really have a game loop, page name makes no sense
Games/ProjectSettings - Remove some sections that don't exist anymore, new screenshot
GameLoop - no longer just deprecated, needs to be rewritten
Setting_up_Visual_Studio - Weird headers
Commands - TODO: rewrite maybe, if this kind of command ever works again
Network_Basics - Just so I dont forget, some info on how to test your game
Lag_Compensation - I dont think this page is neccessary, recreate if needed
Network_Callbacks - could rewrite this, but we really don't need an entire page for one thing
Networked_Types - TODO: rewrite entire page
websockets - Entities are DEAD; TODO: rewrite entire page
RPCs - too much client and server bullshit; TODO: rewrite entire page
Prediction - Not entirely wrong, but TODO: rewrite entire page
Network_Basics - All completely incorrect, TODO: rewrite entire page
multi-run - Theres a button to do this quickly, don't need an entire page for it
launchargs - some of these do nothing or are redundant
GettingStartedWithVR - reset the camera transform after parenting or you get some wonky head movement
vr-input - Entities don't exist, client and server don't exist, should replace this video with a game that actually exists eventually
GettingStartedWithVR - Basic player, no grabbing or anything
GettingStartedWithVR - Create Page
CreatingProjects - We have better menus for this now
ProjectTypes - Minor Change
Games/GettingStarted - Remove references to entities, the shooter template, etc.
General_FAQ - Remove some more outdated stuff
Editor - Remove entity references and fix some inconsistencies. Pictures need updating + fucked the image and fucked the whole page, oops Minor Change
Texture_Settings - show how to actually open the texture settings menu
Material_Resources - 3dassets.me
material_attributes - A lot of grammar changes, who wrote this
guide_to_materials - some strange wording, more work to do here but I cant figure out how tables work
guide_to_materials - wording and spelling
CreatingProjects - Calling it the "dev site" is a bit vague, just call it asset party
DevPreview - Minor Change + Minor Change
DevPreview - What even was this page, now just has useful links
General_FAQ - Minor Change
ProjectTypes - Minor Change