S&box Wiki

User Changes: matt

11 Months Ago
Shader_States - Rewritten sampler states on docs
by matt
1 Year Ago
SavedGames - Delete
by matt
by matt
EventSystem - Delete
by matt
Precaching - Delete
by matt
World_UI - Delete
by matt
using_lobbies - Delete
by matt
menu_music - Delete
by matt
loading_screen - Delete
by matt
by matt
Camera - Delete
by matt
Scene_System - Delete
by matt
Voice - Delete
by matt
Clothing - Delete
by matt
Fonts - Don't need to care about naming
by matt
Troubleshooting - Minor Change
by matt
Troubleshooting - Antivirus
by matt
Troubleshooting - Basic troubleshooting, please add other stuff to try before making issues
by matt
Compute_Shaders - initial UAV counter for AppendStructuredBuffer
by matt
Compute_Shaders - Compute buffers
by matt
Compute_Shaders - So much fluff
by matt
launchargs - -project and -skip_start_screen
by matt
launchargs - -allowlocalhttp
by matt
http - -allowlocalhttp
by matt
http - No user allow list, clarify localhost ports, no ip addresses
by matt
Hammer_Gizmos - Forgot category
by matt
Hammer_Gizmos - Created Page
by matt
http - Some basic examples, feel free to add more
by matt
Constant_Buffers - Remove unused
by matt
Foliage_Shader - use wheatley's scene as an example because it's way better
by matt
Foliage_Shader - Need to recompile vmdl to bake vertex color stream
by matt
Foliage_Shader - Created Page
by matt
2 Years Ago
supported-style-properties - position: static, gap
by matt
CreatingAddons - Delete old
by matt
CreatingProjects - Renamed page from CreatingAddons
by matt
System_Requirements - Some very general minimum target system requirements
by matt
Player_Controller - Deleted
by matt
Player_Animator - Deleted
by matt
Camera - Deleted
by matt
DoPlayerNoClip - Delete
by matt
DoPlayerDevCam - Delete
by matt
Networked_Types - Codegen throws proper errors now
by matt
TypeLibrary - Created Page
by matt
FileSystem - Category Change
by matt
EventSystem - Category Change
by matt
Commands - Category Change
by matt
vr-input - Minor Change
by matt
vr-input - Created Page
by matt
vr-overlay - Minor Change
by matt
Input_Glyphs - Minor Change
by matt
Input_System - Minor Change
by matt
vr-overlay - Created Page
by matt
by matt
Hammer_API - Created Page + Map drop targets
by matt
3 Years Ago
Fonts - resource paths
by matt
UI - fuck off dirty
by matt
Linking_Entities_to_Hammer - Clean up all this stuff, it's really simple
by matt
by matt
Dedicated_Server - Make sure you have Steam updated on host machine if installed ( server favours Steam Client bins -> SteamCmd bins -> local bins )
by matt
FixingSimulateLoops - This is really stupid, make an issue if hotload perf is effected by loops
by matt
UploadingYourMap - Delete obsolete page
by matt
Dedicated_Server - undo this mess, add a quickie on connecting
by matt
Input_System - Remove glyphs from this page
by matt
Input_Glyphs - Created Page, split out of Input System page, update styles.
by matt
Dedicated_Server - Minor Change
by matt
Dedicated_Server - Minor Change: install steamworks sdk redist
by matt
Dedicated_Server - Chuck this somewhere people can see and add some obvious shit
by matt
Editor - Created basic page, just so people know what this is and how to get into it.
by matt
CSharp_Learning_Resources - outdated ide stuff, not needed here
by matt
Making_Gamemode - Simplified new addon flow, you don't need to care about .addon shit etc.
by matt
Setting_up_Visual_Studio - Simplify solution stuff, it's all just automatic now - open in Visual Studio from editor.
by matt
.addon_schema - Delete
by matt
Networked_Types - Dictionary supported types
by matt
Input_System - Update InputButton list and add default controller binds. Add a small note on relying on action instead of key it's attached to. + Show how to use Input.GetButtonOrigin and what Input.GetGlyph is
by matt
Setting_up_VSCode - Download .NET 6 SDK
by matt
Setting_up_Visual_Studio - You need vs2022. Trim the fat in here, just link to the official guide for installing if you need hand holding
by matt
World_UI - Update WorldInput usage
by matt
Precaching - Basic shit on precaching
by matt
Networked_Types - Simplify lists and add dictionaries
by matt
custom-style-properties - Quick usage of custom :intro :outro pseudo classes
by matt
Input_System - wrong method name oops
by matt
Input_System - Created Page - building input clientside, using it in the context of Simulate and default bindings
by matt
Networked_Types - Add an example of using INetworkSerializer
by matt
World_UI - Basic example of WorldInput.Update to interact with world panels
by matt
Commands - Creating and running commands, you can not run engine commands
by matt
World_UI - Real basic way to create & spawn a WorldPanel
by matt
Making_Gamemode - Addon folders with upper case chars bug fixed
by matt
Networked_Types - List<BaseNetworkable> supported
by matt
Entities - Cover basic concepts: spawning entities, events, overrides, networking, components, deleting
by matt
Networked_Types - NetworkComponent -> BaseNetworkable, you can network on Entity, EntityComponent and BaseNetworkable.
by matt
Networked_Types - NetworkComponent not limited with Lists and shit anymore
by matt
Entity_Components - Really basic usage of entity components, can be networked, have events, can access their Entity.
by matt
Network_Callbacks - Update usage of network callbacks
by matt
Creating_Sounds - It is not more reliable to use RPC to play sounds - replace this bs note with prediction link.
by matt
Creating_your_first_particle_effect - Remove this shit example on how they work in code, refer to using particle systems from C# page instead.
by matt
Using_particle_systems_from_CSharp - Created page on how particle systems work from C#, make sure people know SetPosition = control points not literal position of the system. How to attach systems to entities and how creating them in predicted methods interacts.
by matt
Creating_your_first_particle_effect - Simplify creating a new file steps, keep it simple otherwise it's just more confusing.
by matt
Creating_your_first_particle_effect - Don't need to explain how to open sbox-dev on every page (just link back to Dev_Tools)
by matt
Setting_up_Visual_Studio - Note on updating old Visual Studio, .NET 5 wasn't shipped until 16.8 which fucks it usage.
by matt
FileSystem - Basic page on the different filesystems and why you need them instead of System.IO
by matt