Revision Difference
<member type="method" namespace="Steamworks.Data" parent="Leaderboard" name="GetScoresAroundUserAsync" async="true">⤶
<arg name="start" type="int" default="-10"></arg>⤶
<arg name="end" type="int" default="10"></arg>⤶
<return type="Task<Data.LeaderboardEntry[]>"></return>⤶
<summary>Used to retrieve leaderboard entries relative a user's entry. If there are not enough entries in the leaderboard ⤶
before or after the user's entry, Steam will adjust the range to try to return the number of entries requested.⤶
For example, if the user is #1 on the leaderboard and start is set to -2, end is set to 2, Steam will return the first ⤶
5 entries in the leaderboard. If The current user has no entry, this will return null.</summary>⤶