Facepunch.Steamworks Wiki



static Ugc.Query All { get; }
static Ugc.Query AllGuides { get; }
static Ugc.Query Artwork { get; }
static Ugc.Query Collections { get; }
static Ugc.Query GameManagedItems { get; }
static Ugc.Query IntegratedGuides { get; }
static Ugc.Query Items { get; }
static Ugc.Query ItemsMtx { get; }
static Ugc.Query ItemsReadyToUse { get; }
static Ugc.Query Screenshots { get; }
static Ugc.Query UsableInGame { get; }
static Ugc.Query Videos { get; }
static Ugc.Query WebGuides { get; }


Ugc.Query AddRequiredKeyValueTag( string key, string value )
Ugc.Query AllowCachedResponse( int maxSecondsAge )
async Task<Ugc.ResultPage> GetPageAsync( int page )
Ugc.Query InLanguage( string lang )
Found items must have all defined tags
Found items must have at least one of the defined tags
Ugc.Query WhereSearchText( string searchText )
Ugc.Query WithoutTag( string tag )
Ugc.Query WithTag( string tag )