Get all data for this lobby
Max members able to join this lobby. Cannot be over 250.
Can only be set by the owner
returns the number of users in the specified lobby
Returns current members. Need to be in the lobby to see the users.
Removes a metadata key from the lobby
Get data associated with this lobby
Gets the details of the lobby's game server, if set. Returns true if the lobby is
valid and has a server set, otherwise returns false.
Gets per-user metadata for someone in this lobby
Invite another user to the lobby
will return true if the invite is successfully sent, whether or not the target responds
returns false if the local user is not connected to the Steam servers
Try to join this room. Will return RoomEnter.Success on success,
and anything else is a failure
void Leave()
Leave a lobby; this will take effect immediately on the client side
other users in the lobby will be notified by a LobbyChatUpdate_t callback.
After lobby.Leave(), lobby.Id.IsValid is false.
bool Refresh()
Refreshes metadata for a lobby you're not necessarily in right now
you never do this for lobbies you're a member of, only if your
this will send down all the metadata associated with a lobby
this is an asynchronous call
returns false if the local user is not connected to the Steam servers
results will be returned by a LobbyDataUpdate_t callback
if the specified lobby doesn't exist, LobbyDataUpdate_t::m_bSuccess will be set to false
Sends a string to the chat room
Get data associated with this lobby
bool SetFriendsOnly()
only friends can join if set to TRUE
[IP/Port variant]
Allows the owner to set the game server associated with the lobby. Triggers the
Steammatchmaking.OnLobbyGameCreated event.
bool SetInvisible()
Lobby is invisible if set to TRUE
Sets per-user metadata (for the local user implicitly)
bool SetPrivate()
bool SetPublic()