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<type category="enum" namespace="Steamworks.Data" name="SendType" is="enum"> <entries> <entry name="Unreliable" value="0"></entry>⤶ <entry name="NoNagle" value="1"></entry>⤶ <entry name="NoDelay" value="4"></entry>⤶ <entry name="Unreliable" value="0"> Send the message unreliably. Can be lost. Messages *can* be larger than a⤶ single MTU (UDP packet), but there is no retransmission, so if any piece⤶ of the message is lost, the entire message will be dropped.⤶ ⤶ The sending API does have some knowledge of the underlying connection, so⤶ if there is no NAT-traversal accomplished or there is a recognized adjustment⤶ happening on the connection, the packet will be batched until the connection⤶ is open again.⤶ </entry>⤶ <entry name="NoNagle" value="1">Disable Nagle's algorithm.⤶ By default, Nagle's algorithm is applied to all outbound messages. This means⤶ that the message will NOT be sent immediately, in case further messages are⤶ sent soon after you send this, which can be grouped together. Any time there⤶ is enough buffered data to fill a packet, the packets will be pushed out immediately,⤶ but partially-full packets not be sent until the Nagle timer expires. ⤶ </entry>⤶ <entry name="NoDelay" value="4">If the message cannot be sent very soon (because the connection is still doing some initial⤶ handshaking, route negotiations, etc), then just drop it. This is only applicable for unreliable⤶ messages. Using this flag on reliable messages is invalid.⤶ </entry>⤶ <entry name="Reliable" value="8"></entry> </entries> </type>