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<cat>code.inventory</cat> <title>Item Store Cart</title> <upload src="1/8d7b609ca2ece75.png" size="487095" name="image.png" /> ⤶ ⤶ ```⤶ ⤶ ```⤶ // // Our cart item // public List<InventoryDef> Cart = new List<InventoryDef>(); public void Start() { // // Tell this callback to tell us when something has been purchased // SteamUser.OnMicroTxnAuthorizationResponse += OnPurchaseFinished; } // // Add an item to our cart // public void AddToCart( InventoryDef item ) { Cart.Add( item ); } // // Called when they want to check out // public async Task CheckoutAsync() { ShowPurchaseInProgressScreen(); // This tries to open the steam overlay to commence the checkout var result = await Steamworks.SteamInventory.StartPurchaseAsync( Cart.ToArray() ); Log( $"Result: {r.Value.Result}" ); Log( $"TransID: {r.Value.TransID}" ); Log( $"OrderID: {r.Value.OrderID}" ); } // // Called from the callback SteamUser.OnMicroTxnAuthorizationResponse // private void OnPurchaseFinished( AppId appid, ulong orderid, bool success ) { HidePurchaseInProgressScreen(); if ( success ) { // Purchase was successful } else { // They probably pressed cancel or something } } ```