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<cat>code.general</cat> <title>Leaderboards</title> # Creating a Leaderboard Creating a leaderboard is really easy. ``` using Steamworks; using Steamworks.Data; ... var leaderboard = await SteamUserStats.FindOrCreateLeaderboardAsync( "MyLeaderboard", LeaderboardSort.Ascending, LeaderboardDisplay.Numeric ); ``` Here you've created a leaderboard named "MyLeaderboard" which is sorted in ascending (highest first) and is number based (high score etc) rather than time based (fastest lap etc). # Getting a Leaderboard You can safely get a leaderboard with the same function. If you only want to get one that exists you can use: ``` var leaderboard = await SteamUserStats.FindLeaderboardAsync( "MyLeaderboard" ); ``` <note>FindLeaderboardAsync and FindOrCreateLeaderboardAsync return a nullable. If for whatever reason the board cannot be found - it'll be null. This means you should check it first via `leaderboard.HasValue` and then the real leaderboard is in `leaderboard.Value`.</note> # Submitting a Score ``` var result = await lb.SubmitScoreAsync( 576 ); ``` This function will only replace your last score if the new one is better. On success (`result.HasValue`) this function will return a <page>Data.LeaderboardUpdate</page>. You can force your score to be replace, even if it's worse, using: ``` var result = await lb.ReplaceScoreAsync( 576 ); var result = await lb.ReplaceScore( 576 ); ``` # Getting Scores ``` // Get top 20 scores var globalScores = await lb.Value.GetScoresAsync( 20 ); foreach ( var e in globalScores) { Console.WriteLine( $"{e.GlobalRank}: {e.Score} {e.User}" ); } // Get scores from friends var friendScores = await lb.Value.GetScoresFromFriendsAsync(); foreach ( var e in friendScores ) { Console.WriteLine( $"{e.GlobalRank}: {e.Score} {e.User}" ); } // Get scores around current user var surroundScores = await lb.Value.GetScoresAroundUserAsync( -10, 10 ); foreach ( var e in surroundScores ) { Console.WriteLine( $"{e.GlobalRank}: {e.Score} {e.User}" ); }⤶ ⤶ ```⤶ ⤶ ⤶ # Example⤶ ⤶ ```csharp⤶ ⤶ using System;⤶ using System.Threading.Tasks;⤶ using Steamworks;⤶ using Steamworks.Data;⤶ using UnityEngine;⤶ ⤶ public static class SteamLeaderBoardSystem⤶ {⤶ /// <summary>⤶ /// This function will only replace your last score if the new one is better.⤶ /// </summary>⤶ /// <param name="leaderboard"></param>⤶ /// <param name="value"></param>⤶ /// <param name="details"></param>⤶ public static async Task SubmitLeaderboard(Steamworks.Data.Leaderboard leaderboard, int value,⤶ int[] details = null)⤶ {⤶ var leaderboardUpdate = await leaderboard.SubmitScoreAsync(value, details ?? Array.Empty<int>());⤶ if (!leaderboardUpdate.HasValue)⤶ {⤶ Debug.LogError("leaderboardUpdate is null");⤶ return;⤶ }⤶ ⤶ Debug.Log(leaderboardUpdate.Value);⤶ }⤶ ⤶ ⤶ /// <summary>⤶ /// Force your score to be replaced⤶ /// </summary>⤶ /// <param name="leaderboard"></param>⤶ /// <param name="value"></param>⤶ /// <param name="details"></param>⤶ public static async Task ReplaceLeaderboard(Steamworks.Data.Leaderboard leaderboard, int value,⤶ int[] details = null)⤶ {⤶ var leaderboardUpdate = await leaderboard.ReplaceScore(value, details ?? Array.Empty<int>());⤶ if (!leaderboardUpdate.HasValue)⤶ {⤶ Debug.LogError("leaderboardUpdate is null");⤶ return;⤶ }⤶ ⤶ Debug.Log(leaderboardUpdate.Value);⤶ }⤶ ⤶ ⤶ public static async Task<Steamworks.Data.Leaderboard?> GetLeaderBoards(string lbName)⤶ {⤶ try⤶ {⤶ return await FindOrCreateLeaderboardAsync(lbName);⤶ }⤶ catch (Exception e)⤶ {⤶ Debug.LogError(e);⤶ }⤶ ⤶ return null;⤶ }⤶ ⤶ private static async Task<Steamworks.Data.Leaderboard?> FindOrCreateLeaderboardAsync(string leaderboardName)⤶ {⤶ try⤶ {⤶ return await SteamUserStats.FindOrCreateLeaderboardAsync(leaderboardName,⤶ LeaderboardSort.Ascending,⤶ LeaderboardDisplay.Numeric);⤶ }⤶ catch (Exception e)⤶ {⤶ Debug.LogError(e);⤶ }⤶ ⤶ return null;⤶ }⤶ } ⤶ ```⤶ ```⤶ ⤶ # Example usage of the example above⤶ ⤶ ```csharp⤶ ⤶ public class SteamLeaderBoard : MonoBehaviour⤶ {⤶ private const string LeaderboardName = "MyLeaderboard";⤶ private Steamworks.Data.Leaderboard _lb;⤶ ⤶ private async void Awake()⤶ {⤶ try⤶ {⤶ var lb = await SteamLeaderBoardSystem.GetLeaderBoards(LeaderboardName);⤶ if (lb.HasValue) _lb = lb.Value;⤶ else Debug.LogError("leaderboard did not have value");⤶ }⤶ catch (Exception e)⤶ {⤶ Debug.LogError($"Error loading leaderboards: {e.Message}");⤶ // Optionally, you could handle the exception, e.g., retry logic or fallback behavior⤶ }⤶ }⤶ ⤶ #region TEST⤶ ⤶ [ContextMenu("ReplaceScoreTest")]⤶ private void ReplaceScoreTest()⤶ {⤶ var entry = new LeaderboardEntry(1234.1829f, 12345789);⤶ ReplaceSpeedScore(entry);⤶ }⤶ ⤶ #endregion⤶ ⤶ #region ReplaceScores⤶ ⤶ private void ReplaceSpeedScore(LeaderboardEntry entry)⤶ {⤶ _ = SteamLeaderBoardSystem.ReplaceLeaderboard(_lb, entry.TimeI, entry.Details);⤶ }⤶ ⤶ #endregion⤶ }⤶ ⤶ ⤶ // Struct to hold data for ease-of-use and re-use-ability⤶ public struct LeaderboardEntry⤶ {⤶ public readonly int Score;⤶ public readonly int SomeOtherValue;⤶ public readonly int[] Details;⤶ ⤶ public LeaderboardEntry(int score, int someOtherValue)⤶ {⤶ Score = score;⤶ SomeOtherValue = someOtherValue;⤶ Details = new[] { someOtherValue };⤶ }⤶ }⤶ ```⤶