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<member category="interface" type="method" namespace="Steamworks" parent="SteamNetworkingSockets" name="CreateRelaySocket" static="true"> <args> <arg name="virtualport" type="int" default="0"></arg> </args> <return type="T"></return> <summary>This method should be used to allow people to create a new server using steam relay (Steam Datagram Relay) ⤶ It return a SocketManager (create a class that inherit either from the interface or the class) that you should keep to receive/send data to other clients.</summary>⤶ <summary>Creates a "server" socket that listens for clients to connect to by calling Connect, over SDR (Steam Datagram Relay) . To use this you should pass a class that inherits ISocketManager or SocketManager. You can use SocketManager to get connections and send messages, but the ISocketManager class will received all the appropriate callbacks.</summary>⤶ </member> ⤶ # More details...⤶ ⤶ This method should be used to allow people to create a new server using steam relay (Steam Datagram Relay) ⤶ It return a SocketManager (create a class that inherit either from the interface or the class) that you should keep to receive/send data to other clients.⤶ Also note that SocketManager as a parameter called "Interface" that give you access to the ISocketManager in order to use callbacks.⤶