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<member category="interface" type="method" namespace="Steamworks" parent="SteamNetworkingUtils" name="InitRelayNetworkAccess" static="true">⤶ <return type="void"></return>⤶ <summary>If you know that you are going to be using the relay network (for example,⤶ because you anticipate making P2P connections), call this to initialize the⤶ relay network. If you do not call this, the initialization will⤶ be delayed until the first time you use a feature that requires access⤶ to the relay network, which will delay that first access.⤶ ⤶ You can also call this to force a retry if the previous attempt has failed.⤶ Performing any action that requires access to the relay network will also⤶ trigger a retry, and so calling this function is never strictly necessary,⤶ but it can be useful to call it a program launch time, if access to the⤶ relay network is anticipated.⤶ ⤶ Use GetRelayNetworkStatus or listen for SteamRelayNetworkStatus_t⤶ callbacks to know when initialization has completed.⤶ Typically initialization completes in a few seconds.⤶ ⤶ Note: dedicated servers hosted in known data centers do *not* need⤶ to call this, since they do not make routing decisions. However, if⤶ the dedicated server will be using P2P functionality, it will act as⤶ a "client" and this should be called.</summary>⤶ </member>⤶