Revision Difference
<member type="method" namespace="Steamworks" parent="SteamScreenshots" name="AddScreenshot" static="true">⤶
<arg name="filename" type="string"></arg>⤶
<arg name="thumbnail" type="string"></arg>⤶
<arg name="width" type="int"></arg>⤶
<arg name="height" type="int"></arg>⤶
<return type="Nullable<Steamworks.Data.Screenshot>"></return>⤶
<summary>Adds a screenshot to the user's screenshot library from disk. If a thumbnail is provided, it must be 200 pixels wide and the same aspect ratio⤶
as the screenshot, otherwise a thumbnail will be generated if the user uploads the screenshot. The screenshots must be in either JPEG or TGA format.⤶
The return value is a handle that is valid for the duration of the game process and can be used to apply tags.⤶
JPEG, TGA, and PNG formats are supported.</summary>⤶