Facepunch.Steamworks Wiki

Revision Difference


<member category="interface" type="method" namespace="Steamworks" parent="SteamUGC" name="Download" static="true"> <args> <arg name="fileId" type="Data.PublishedFileId"></arg>⤶ <arg name="highPriority" type="bool" default="False"></arg>⤶ <arg name="fileId" type="Data.PublishedFileId">The ID of the file you want to download</arg>⤶ <arg name="highPriority" type="bool" default="False">If true this should go straight to the top of the download list</arg>⤶ </args> <return type="bool">true if nothing went wrong and the download is started</return> <summary>Start downloading this item. You'll get notified of completion via OnDownloadItemResult.</summary> </member>