Facepunch.Steamworks Wiki

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<member type="method" namespace="Steamworks" parent="SteamUser" name="RequestEncryptedAppTicketAsync" async="true" static="true">⤶ <args>⤶ <arg name="dataToInclude" type="byte[]"></arg>⤶ </args>⤶ <return type="Task<byte[]>"></return>⤶ <summary>Requests an application ticket encrypted with the secret "encrypted app ticket key".⤶ The encryption key can be obtained from the Encrypted App Ticket Key page on the App Admin for your app.⤶ There can only be one call pending, and this call is subject to a 60 second rate limit.⤶ This can fail if you don't have an encrypted ticket set for your app here https://partner.steamgames.com/apps/sdkauth/</summary>⤶ </member>⤶ ⤶ ⤶ <member type="method" namespace="Steamworks" parent="SteamUser" name="RequestEncryptedAppTicketAsync" async="true" static="true">⤶ <return type="Task<byte[]>"></return>⤶ <summary>Requests an application ticket encrypted with the secret "encrypted app ticket key".⤶ The encryption key can be obtained from the Encrypted App Ticket Key page on the App Admin for your app.⤶ There can only be one call pending, and this call is subject to a 60 second rate limit.⤶ This can fail if you don't have an encrypted ticket set for your app here https://partner.steamgames.com/apps/sdkauth/</summary>⤶ </member>⤶