Facepunch.Steamworks Wiki

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<member category="interface" type="method" namespace="Steamworks" parent="SteamUser" name="RequestEncryptedAppTicketAsync" async="true" static="true"> <args> <arg name="dataToInclude" type="byte[]"></arg> </args> <return type="Task<byte[]>"></return> <summary>Requests an application ticket encrypted with the secret "encrypted app ticket key". The encryption key can be obtained from the Encrypted App Ticket Key page on the App Admin for your app. There can only be one call pending, and this call is subject to a 60 second rate limit. If you get a null result from this it's probably because you're calling it too often.⤶ This can fail if you don't have an encrypted ticket set for your app here https://partner.steamgames.com/apps/sdkauth/</summary> </member> <member category="interface" type="method" namespace="Steamworks" parent="SteamUser" name="RequestEncryptedAppTicketAsync" async="true" static="true"> <return type="Task<byte[]>"></return> <summary>Requests an application ticket encrypted with the secret "encrypted app ticket key". The encryption key can be obtained from the Encrypted App Ticket Key page on the App Admin for your app. There can only be one call pending, and this call is subject to a 60 second rate limit. This can fail if you don't have an encrypted ticket set for your app here https://partner.steamgames.com/apps/sdkauth/</summary> </member>