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<member type="method" namespace="Steamworks" parent="SteamUserStats" name="StoreStats" static="true"> <member category="interface" type="method" namespace="Steamworks" parent="SteamUserStats" name="StoreStats" static="true"> <return type="bool"></return> <summary>Send the changed stats and achievements data to the server for permanent storage. If this fails then nothing is sent to the server. It's advisable to keep trying until the call is successful. This call can be rate limited. Call frequency should be on the order of minutes, rather than seconds.You should only be calling this during major state changes such as the end of a round, the map changing, or the user leaving a server. This call is required to display the achievement unlock notification dialog though, so if you have called SetAchievement then it's advisable to call this soon after that. If you have stats or achievements that you have saved locally but haven't uploaded with this function when your application process ends then this function will automatically be called. You can find additional debug information written to the %steam_install%\logs\stats_log.txt file. This function returns true upon success if : RequestCurrentStats has completed and successfully returned its callback AND the current game has stats associated with it in the Steamworks Partner backend, and those stats are published.</summary> </member>