Revision Difference
<member type="method" namespace="Steamworks" parent="SteamUserStats" name="IndicateAchievementProgress" static="true">
<member category="interface" type="method" namespace="Steamworks" parent="SteamUserStats" name="IndicateAchievementProgress" static="true">
<arg name="achName" type="string"></arg>
<arg name="curProg" type="int"></arg>
<arg name="maxProg" type="int"></arg>
<return type="bool"></return>
<summary>Show the user a pop-up notification with the current progress toward an achievement.
Will return false if RequestCurrentStats has not completed and successfully returned
its callback, if the achievement doesn't exist/has unpublished changes in the app's
Steamworks Admin page, or if the achievement is unlocked.</summary>