Revision Difference
<function name="DrawSobel" parent="Global" type="libraryfunc">
<description>Draws the sobel shader, which detects edges and draws a black border.</description>
<file line="8-L18">lua/postprocess/sobel.lua</file>⤶
<arg name="Threshold" type="number">Determines the threshold of edges. A value of 0 will make your screen completely black.</arg>
<arg name="Threshold" type="number">Determines the threshold of edges. A value of `0` will make your screen completely black.</arg>
<description>Draws the sobel shader.</description>
function GM:RenderScreenspaceEffects()
hook.Add( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "SobelShader", function()
DrawSobel( 0.5 )
end )⤶