Used in Sandbox tools to allow the player to select models out of a list. Despite being only used in Sandbox, it is not exclusive to that gamemode.
See also MatSelect for the material selecting alternative.
Derives methods, etc not listed on this page from ContextBase.
Implements or overrides the following hooks/methods. If you want to override these, you probably want to call the original function too.
PropSelect:OnRightClick( Panel pnl )
Called when the player right clicks a model.
By default, this opens a menu that lets the player copy the model path.
PropSelect:SelectModel( SpawnIcon icon )
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't.
Use PropSelect:FindAndSelectButton instead.
Selects a given spawnicon panel.
Adds a new model to the selection list.
PropSelect:FindAndSelectButton( string mdl )
Find and select a SpawnIcon panel based on the input model path.
Find a SpawnIcon panel based on the input model path.
Example usage of the panel.