Garry's Mod Wiki


  Entity:SetSpawnFlags( number flags )

Recently Added

This was recently added in version (2024.12.04). It might only be available on the Dev Branch right now.


Sets the SpawnFlags to set of an Entity

SpawnFlags can easily be found on

See also Entity:RemoveSpawnFlags, Entity:AddSpawnFlags

Using SF Enumerations won't work, if this function is ran clientside due to the enumerations being defined only Serverside. Use the actual SpawnFlag number.


1 number flags
The SpawnFlag to remove from the Entity


When a turret Entity is created, if it doesn't have the SpawnFlags Out of Ammo and Fast Retire, then it sets it's SpawnFlags to just them two.

hook.Add( "OnEntityCreated", "SetSpawnFlagsExample", function( ent ) timer.Simple( 0.1, function() if ( !IsValid(ent) or ent:GetClass() != "npc_turret_floor" ) then return end if ( !ent:HasSpawnFlags(256) and !ent:HasSpawnFlags(128) ) then return end ent:SetSpawnFlags(256 + 128) -- end ) end )