We advise against using this. It may be changed or removed in a future update.
You should use IsUselessModel instead.
This function is an alias of IsUselessModel.
Returns whether or not a model is useless by checking that the file path is that of a proper model.
If the string ".mdl" is not found in the model name, the function will return true.
The function will also return true if any of the following strings are found in the given model name:
- "_gesture"
- "_anim"
- "_gst"
- "_pst"
- "_shd"
- "_ss"
- "_posture"
- "_anm"
- "ghostanim"
- "_paths"
- "_shared"
- "anim_"
- "gestures_"
- "shared_ragdoll_"
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Updated: This Year
Updated: This Year