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Table used by physenv.SetPerformanceSettings and physenv.GetPerformanceSettings.

When setting the settings, omitting any key will fallback to its current value. (can be retrieved via the get function)


number LookAheadTimeObjectsVsObject
Maximum amount of seconds to precalculate collisions with objects.

Default value for this setting is 0.5.

Default: nil

number LookAheadTimeObjectsVsWorld
Maximum amount of seconds to precalculate collisions with world.

Default value for this setting is 1.

Default: nil

number MaxCollisionChecksPerTimestep
Maximum collision checks per tick.

Objects may penetrate after this many collision checks

Default value for this setting is 50000.

Default: nil

number MaxCollisionsPerObjectPerTimestep
Maximum collision per object per tick.

Object will be frozen after this many collisions (visual hitching vs. CPU cost)

Default value for this setting is 10.

Default: nil

number MaxVelocity
Maximum world-space speed of an object in inches per second.

Default value for this setting is 4000.

Default: nil

number MaxAngularVelocity
Maximum world-space rotational velocity in degrees per second.

Default value for this setting is 7200.

Default: nil

number MinFrictionMass
Minimum mass of an object to be affected by friction.

Default value for this setting is 10.

Default: nil

number MaxFrictionMass
Maximum mass of an object to be affected by friction.

Default value for this setting is 2500.

Default: nil