Garry's Mod Wiki


  DModelPanel:SetCamPos( Vector pos )


Sets the position of the camera.


1 Vector pos
The position to set the camera at.


Creates a model panel focused on Gman's face while he adjusts his tie.

BGPanel = vgui.Create("DPanel") BGPanel:SetPos(20, 20) BGPanel:SetSize(200, 200) BGPanel:SetBackgroundColor(Color(0, 0, 0, 255)) local mdl = vgui.Create("DModelPanel", BGPanel) mdl:SetSize(BGPanel:GetSize()) mdl:SetModel("models/player/gman_high.mdl") function mdl:LayoutEntity(ent) ent:SetSequence(ent:LookupSequence("menu_gman")) mdl:RunAnimation() return end local eyepos = mdl.Entity:GetBonePosition(mdl.Entity:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1")) eyepos:Add(Vector(0, 0, 2)) -- Move up slightly mdl:SetLookAt(eyepos) mdl:SetCamPos(eyepos-Vector(-12, 0, 0)) -- Move cam in front of eyes mdl.Entity:SetEyeTarget(eyepos-Vector(-12, 0, 0))


Sets a model panel's camera position so the model won't go outside it

local mdlpnl = vgui.Create( "DModelPanel" ) local mn, mx = mdlpnl.Entity:GetRenderBounds() local size = 0 size = math.max( size, math.abs(mn.x) + math.abs(mx.x) ) size = math.max( size, math.abs(mn.y) + math.abs(mx.y) ) size = math.max( size, math.abs(mn.z) + math.abs(mx.z) ) mdlpnl:SetFOV( 45 ) mdlpnl:SetCamPos( Vector( size, size, size ) ) mdlpnl:SetLookAt( (mn + mx) * 0.5 )