Garry's Mod Wiki


List of all possible functions to manipulate Recipient Filters. Can be created with RecipientFilter.


Adds all players to the recipient filter.
CRecipientFilter:AddPAS( Vector pos )
Adds all players that are in the same PAS (Potentially Audible Set) as this position.
CRecipientFilter:AddPlayer( Player Player )
Adds a player to the recipient filter
CRecipientFilter:AddPlayers( CRecipientFilter or table input )
Adds players to the recipient filter from a given table or another recipient filter.
CRecipientFilter:AddPVS( Vector Position )
Adds all players that are in the same PVS (Potential Visibility Set) as this position.
CRecipientFilter:AddRecipientsByTeam( number teamid )
Adds all players that are on the given team to the filter.
number CRecipientFilter:GetCount()
Returns the number of valid players in the recipient filter.
table CRecipientFilter:GetPlayers()
Returns a table of all valid players currently in the recipient filter.
Removes all players from the recipient filter.
CRecipientFilter:RemoveMismatchedPlayers( CRecipientFilter input )
Remove players from this recipient filter that are NOT present in a given table or recipient filter.
CRecipientFilter:RemovePAS( Vector position )
Removes all players from the filter that are in PAS (Potentially Audible Set) for given position.
CRecipientFilter:RemovePlayer( Player Player )
Removes the player from the recipient filter.
CRecipientFilter:RemovePlayers( CRecipientFilter input )
Remove players from this recipient filter that are present in a given table or recipient filter.
CRecipientFilter:RemovePVS( Vector pos )
Removes all players that can see this PVS (Potential Visibility Set) from the recipient filter.
CRecipientFilter:RemoveRecipientsByTeam( number teamid )
Removes all players that are on the given team from the filter.
CRecipientFilter:RemoveRecipientsNotOnTeam( number teamid )
Removes all players that are not on the given team from the filter.