List of all possible functions to manipulate Recipient Filters. Can be created with RecipientFilter.
Adds all players to the recipient filter.
Adds all players that are in the same PAS (Potentially Audible Set) as this position.
Adds players to the recipient filter from a given table or another recipient filter.
Adds all players that are in the same PVS (Potential Visibility Set) as this position.
CRecipientFilter:AddRecipientsByTeam( number teamid )
Adds all players that are on the given team to the filter.
table CRecipientFilter:GetPlayers()
Returns a table of all valid players currently in the recipient filter.
Removes all players from the recipient filter.
CRecipientFilter:RemoveMismatchedPlayers( CRecipientFilter input )
Remove players from this recipient filter that are NOT present in a given table or recipient filter.
Removes all players from the filter that are in PAS (Potentially Audible Set) for given position.
CRecipientFilter:RemovePlayer( Player Player )
Removes the player from the recipient filter.
CRecipientFilter:RemovePlayers( CRecipientFilter input )
Remove players from this recipient filter that are present in a given table or recipient filter.
Removes all players that can see this PVS (Potential Visibility Set) from the recipient filter.
CRecipientFilter:RemoveRecipientsByTeam( number teamid )
Removes all players that are on the given team from the filter.
CRecipientFilter:RemoveRecipientsNotOnTeam( number teamid )
Removes all players that are not on the given team from the filter.