Returns a table containing Hammer key values the entity has stored. Not all key values will be accessible this way. Use GM:EntityKeyValue or ENTITY:KeyValue to capture and store every key value.
Single key values can usually be retrieved with Entity:GetInternalVariable.
Here's a list of keyvalues that will not appear in this list, as they are not stored/defined as actual keyvalues internally:
- rendercolor - Entity:GetColor (Only RGB)
- rendercolor32 - Entity:GetColor (RGBA)
- renderamt - Entity:GetColor (Alpha)
- disableshadows - EF_NOSHADOW
- mins - Entity:GetCollisionBounds
- maxs - Entity:GetCollisionBounds
- disablereceiveshadows - EF_NORECEIVESHADOW
- nodamageforces - EFL_NO_DAMAGE_FORCES
- angle - Entity:GetAngles
- angles - Entity:GetAngles
- origin - Entity:GetPos
- targetname - Entity:GetName