Garry's Mod Wiki


  ITexture GetRenderTarget( string name, number width, number height )


Creates or gets the rendertarget with the given name.

See GetRenderTargetEx for an advanced version of this function with more options.

This crashes when used on a cubemap texture.

Issue Tracker: 2885
Rendertargets are not garbage-collected, which means they will remain in memory until you disconnect. So make sure to avoid creating new ones unecessarily and re-use as many of your existing rendertargets as possible to avoid filling up all your memory.
Drawing rendertargets on themself can produce odd and unexpected results.
Calling this function is equivalent to
GetRenderTargetEx(name, width, height, RT_SIZE_NO_CHANGE, MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_SEPARATE, bit.bor(2, 256), 0, IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888 )


1 string name
The internal name of the render target.
2 number width
The width of the render target, must be power of 2. If not set to PO2, the size will be automatically converted to the nearest PO2 size.
3 number height
The height of the render target, must be power of 2. If not set to PO2, the size will be automatically converted to the nearest PO2 size.


1 ITexture
The render target


Example usage of a render target

-- Give the RT a size local TEX_SIZE = 512 -- Create the RT local tex = GetRenderTarget( "ExampleRT", TEX_SIZE, TEX_SIZE ) -- Write something to the RT -- Note how this is not in a render hook, in this case we only write to the render target once local txBackground = surface.GetTextureID( "models/weapons/v_toolgun/screen_bg" ) render.PushRenderTarget( tex ) cam.Start2D() surface.SetDrawColor( color_white ) surface.SetTexture( txBackground ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, TEX_SIZE, TEX_SIZE ) cam.End2D() render.PopRenderTarget() -- Create a render-able material for our render target local myMat = CreateMaterial( "ExampleRTMat", "UnlitGeneric", { ["$basetexture"] = tex:GetName() -- Make the material use our render target texture } ) -- Draw it on screen hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "DrawExampleMat", function() surface.SetDrawColor( color_white ) surface.SetMaterial( myMat ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( 25, 25, TEX_SIZE, TEX_SIZE ) end )


Example usage of a render target with transparency/alpha channel

local textureRT = GetRenderTarget( "ExampleRTwithAlpha", 512, 512 ) local mat = CreateMaterial( "ExampleRTwithAlpha_Mat", "UnlitGeneric", { ['$basetexture'] = textureRT:GetName(), ["$translucent"] = "1" -- This is necessary to render the RT with alpha channel } ); hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "ExampleRTwithAlpha_Render", function() render.PushRenderTarget( textureRT ) cam.Start2D() -- Clear the RT render.Clear( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) -- Draw some basic animated stuff on it draw.RoundedBox( 0, 20, 100 + math.sin( CurTime() ) * 50, 50, 50, color_white ) -- Draw with transparency draw.RoundedBox( 0, 120, 100 + math.sin( CurTime() ) * 50, 50, 50, Color( 255, 0, 0, 100 ) ) cam.End2D() render.PopRenderTarget() -- Draw our render target on screen so we can see our result surface.SetDrawColor( color_white ) surface.SetMaterial( mat ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( 50, 50, 512, 512 ) end )