Garry's Mod Wiki


  Entity:RemoveSpawnFlags( number flag )

Recently Added

This was recently added in version (2024.12.04). It might only be available on the Dev Branch right now.


Removes a SpawnFlag from the current SpawnFlags of an Entity.

SpawnFlags can easily be found on

See also Entity:AddSpawnFlags, Entity:SetSpawnFlags

Using SF Enumerations won't work, if this function is ran clientside due to the enumerations being defined only Serverside. Use the actual SpawnFlag number.


1 number flag
The SpawnFlag to remove from the Entity


When a turret Entity is created, it removes the Out of Ammo SpawnFlag, if it has it. Therefore it now has ammo.

hook.Add( "OnEntityCreated", "RemoveSpawnFlagsExample", function( ent ) timer.Simple( 0.1, function() if ( !IsValid(ent) or ent:GetClass() != "npc_turret_floor" ) then return end if ( !ent:HasSpawnFlags(256) ) then return end ent:RemoveSpawnFlags(256) -- end ) end )