Garry's Mod Wiki


  table util.GetSurfaceData( number id )


Returns data of a surface property at given ID. New surface properties can be added via physenv.AddSurfaceData.


1 number id
Surface property ID. You can get it from TraceResult structure or using util.GetSurfaceIndex.


1 table with SurfacePropertyData structure
The data or no value if there is no valid surface property at given index.


Prints the Surface Property Data of the place the player is looking at when executing the console command.

concommand.Add( "surfprop", function( ply ) local surface = ply:GetEyeTrace().SurfaceProps PrintTable( util.GetSurfaceData( surface ) ) end )
breakSound = bulletImpactSound = concrete.bulletimpact climbable = 0 dampening = 0 density = 2400 elasticity = 0.20000000298023 friction = 0.80000001192093 hardThreshold = 0.5 hardVelocityThreshold = 0 hardnessFactor = 1 impactHardSound = concrete.impacthard impactSoftSound = concrete.impactsoft jumpFactor = 1 material = 67 maxSpeedFactor = 1 name = concrete reflectivity = 0.66000002622604 rollingSound = roughThreshold = 0.5 roughnessFactor = 1 scrapeRoughSound = concrete.scraperough scrapeSmoothSound = concrete.scrapesmooth stepLeftSound = concrete.stepleft stepRightSound = concrete.stepright strainSound = thickness = 0