Garry's Mod Wiki



This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't.

This element is created within and only used in the DPropertySheet file. These can be elements are stored items are stored in the Items subtable of the DPropertySheet

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Derives methods, etc not listed on this page from DButton.


Returns the panel that the tab represents.
The DPropertySheet this tab belongs to.
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't. Returns the target height of this tab. Used internally by DTab's PANEL:ApplySchemeSettings.
Returns whether the tab is the currently selected tab of the associated DPropertySheet.
DTab:SetPanel( Panel pnl )
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't. Used internally by DTab:Setup.
DTab:SetPropertySheet( Panel pnl )
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't. Used internally by DTab:Setup.
DTab:Setup( string label, Panel sheet, Panel pnl, string icon = "nil" )
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't. Used internally by DPropertySheet:AddSheet.