Garry's Mod Wiki


  GM:PlayerChangedTeam( Player ply, number oldTeam, number newTeam )


Called when a player has changed team using Player:SetTeam.

Avoid calling Player:SetTeam in this hook as it may cause an infinite loop!
Player:Team inside this hook will return oldTeam.


1 Player ply
Player whose team has changed.
2 number oldTeam
Index of the team the player was originally in. See team.GetName and the team library.
3 number newTeam
Index of the team the player has changed to.


Print the old Team name and the new Team name of players.

hook.Add( "PlayerChangedTeam", "PrintOldAndNewTeam", function( ply, oldTeam, newTeam ) PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, ply:Nick() .. " switched from " .. team.GetName( oldTeam ) .. " to " .. team.GetName( newTeam ) ) end )
Output: Player1 switched from Team1 to Team2