Garry's Mod Wiki


  net.WriteVector( Vector vector )


Appends a vector to the current net message. Vectors sent by this function are compressed, which may result in precision loss. XYZ components greater than 16384 or less than -16384 are irrecoverably altered (most significant bits are trimmed) and precision after the decimal point is low.


1 Vector vector
The vector to be sent.


Create a server-side command to send a vector to all clients, and a function to receive the vector on the client-side. This example displays the vector compression discussed above.

if SERVER then util.AddNetworkString( "testingvecs" ) concommand.Add( "dovectest", function() net.Start( "testingvecs" ) net.WriteVector( Vector( 10000, 20000, -20000.123456789 ) ) net.Broadcast() end ) elseif CLIENT then net.Receive( "testingvecs", function( len ) print( "RECV: vec = " .. tostring( net.ReadVector() ) .. "\n" ) end ) end
RECV: vec = 10000.000000 3616.000000 -3616.093750