Serving Content
Serving content to players
For a player to be able to see custom content on a server they need to have the content downloaded. You can send your server content in various different ways to them, below are some different ways to achieve this.
Keep in mind that clients can change which types of files they download by going into the settings menu.

A simple oversight of the different methods, ordered by speed:
Speed | Method | Downside | Requirements | |
WorkshopDL: | As fast as the client can download, up to ~2gb (gma) at once | Steam workshop | You have to upload a content pack to Steam Workshop | Requires the content to be put on the workshop and added with resource.AddWorkshop |
FastDL: | As fast as the client can download, file by file | HTTP | Can be slow for lots of smaller files as it downloads one by one for each file. Files aren't checked for their contents so updating files on the server wont make the client redownload updated files. | Requires a FastDL webserver + resource.AddFile |
ServerDL: | Slow 64kb/s limit, file by file | Source networking | Extremely slow, you need to enable sv_allowdownload |
Requires sv_allowdownload 1 and resource.AddFile |
More detailed explanations:
Content serving options
WorkshopDL effectively downloads straight from the steam workshop. So to use this you need to upload your content to Steam Workshop. Make sure when you upload that you mark your addons type as ServerContent
to prevent unnecessary clutter on the workshop. Once you've done this you can now use the lua function resource.AddWorkshop.
You have the following addon in your collection and mounted to your server but clients see them as errors:
To add it you can add a serverside only lua file that marks this workshop addon to be downloaded for clients. Example folder structure garrysmod/lua/autorun/server/workshop.lua
or as legacy addon garrysmod/addons/workshop/lua/autorun/server/workshop.lua
In this file you can put resource.AddWorkshop("150455514")
For FastDL you need a separate webserver for players to download from and you need to set sv_downloadurl
to the url of your website. Files can be marked for downloading with resource.AddFile and resource.AddSingleFile after that the client will automatically try to request the marked files from the webserver. Clients will first try to request a compressed version .bz2 version of the file and if that doesn't exist they will try the regular file, an example of this behavior can be seen below.
is set to
and you've marked materials/hud/killicon.vmt
for download. The client will first run a request to
and then
Using ServerDL is rather simple, you need to have sv_allowdownload
enabled and you need to mark the files that you want to be downloadable with resource.AddFile and resource.AddSingleFile after that clients will automatically download the content when they join your server. However this is considered obsolete as its incredibly slow at 64kb/s and you should avoid using it.
enabled opens you up to exploits. Players with modified clients can spam request files to severely lag your server.Alternatives
Some servers download content on the fly, this can be done through various methods but the most common are:
- HTTP and storing downloaded files in the
folder. - steamworks.DownloadUGC downloading steamworkshop content and mounting it with game.MountGMA
These methods wont work for everything, for example this will never work for a map. Some addons that precache or store Materials on autorun might also have issues with this.