Garry's Mod Wiki


  ConVar CreateConVar( string name, string value, number flags = FCVAR_NONE, string helptext = "", number min = nil, number max = nil )


Creates a console variable (ConVar).

Generally these are used for settings, which can be stored automatically across sessions if desired. They are usually set via an accompanying user interface clientside, or listed somewhere for dedicated server usage, in which case they might be set via server.cfg on server start up.

Do not use the FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING and FCVAR_REPLICATED flags together, as this can cause the console variable to have strange values on the client.


1 string name
Name of the ConVar.

This cannot be a name of an engine console command or console variable. It will throw an error if it is. If it is the same name as another lua ConVar, it will return that ConVar object.

2 string value
Default value of the convar. Can also be a number.
3 number or table flags = FCVAR_NONE
Flags of the convar, see FCVAR enum, either as bitflag or as table.
4 string helptext = ""
The help text to show in the console.
5 number min = nil
If set, the ConVar cannot be changed to a number lower than this value.
6 number max = nil
If set, the ConVar cannot be changed to a number higher than this value.


1 ConVar
The convar created, or nil if convar could not be created. (such as when there's a console command with the same name)

If a ConVar already exists (including engine ones), it will simply return the already existing ConVar without modifying it in any way.


Code that will create a Convar and a chatprint with the content of the convar.

local convar_example = CreateConVar("convar_example", "1", {FCVAR_ARCHIVE, FCVAR_NOTIFY, FCVAR_REPLICATED}, "This is a server-side convar.") concommand.Add("print_convar", function(ply) ply:ChatPrint("Server ConVar value: " .. convar_example:GetString()) end)
Output: Server ConVar value: 1