Bit flags used by GetRenderTargetEx. Information taken from VTF (Valve Texture Format) - Texture flags
These enumerations do not exist in game and are listed here only for reference
TEXTUREFLAGS_POINTSAMPLE | 1 | Low quality, "pixel art" texture filtering. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_TRILINEAR | 2 | Medium quality texture filtering. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPS | 4 | Clamp S coordinates. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPT | 8 | Clamp T coordinates. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_ANISOTROPIC | 16 | High quality texture filtering. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_HINT_DXT5 | 32 | Used in skyboxes. Makes sure edges are seamless. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_PWL_CORRECTED | 64 | Purpose unknown. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_NORMAL | 128 | Texture is a normal map. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP | 256 | Render largest mipmap only. (Does not delete existing mipmaps, just disables them.) |
TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD | 512 | Not affected by texture resolution settings. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_ALL_MIPS | 1024 | No Minimum Mipmap |
TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL | 2048 | Texture is an procedural texture (code can modify it). |
TEXTUREFLAGS_ONEBITALPHA | 4096 | One bit alpha channel used. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_EIGHTBITALPHA | 8192 | Eight bit alpha channel used. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP | 16384 | Texture is an environment map. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET | 32768 | Texture is a render target. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET | 65536 | Texture is a depth render target. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_STAGING_MEMORY | 524288 | We advise against using this. It may be changed or removed in a future update. Aka TEXTUREFLAGS_UNUSED_00080000 |
TEXTUREFLAGS_IMMEDIATE_CLEANUP | 1048576 | We advise against using this. It may be changed or removed in a future update. Immediately destroy this texture when its reference count hits zero. Aka TEXTUREFLAGS_UNUSED_00100000 |
TEXTUREFLAGS_IGNORE_PICMIP | 2097152 | We advise against using this. It may be changed or removed in a future update. Aka TEXTUREFLAGS_UNUSED_00200000 |
TEXTUREFLAGS_UNUSED_00400000 | 4194304 | |
TEXTUREFLAGS_NODEPTHBUFFER | 8388608 | Do not buffer for Video Processing, generally render distance. |
TEXTUREFLAGS_UNUSED_01000000 | 16777216 | |
TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPU | 33554432 | Clamp U coordinates (for volumetric textures). |
TEXTUREFLAGS_VERTEXTEXTURE | 67108864 | Usable as a vertex texture |
TEXTUREFLAGS_SSBUMP | 134217728 | Texture is a SSBump. (SSB) |
TEXTUREFLAGS_UNUSED_10000000 | 268435456 | |
TEXTUREFLAGS_BORDER | 536870912 | Clamp to border colour on all texture coordinates |
TEXTUREFLAGS_STREAMABLE_COARSE | 1073741824 | We advise against using this. It may be changed or removed in a future update. Aka TEXTUREFLAGS_UNUSED_40000000 |
TEXTUREFLAGS_STREAMABLE_FINE | 2147483648 | We advise against using this. It may be changed or removed in a future update. Aka TEXTUREFLAGS_UNUSED_80000000 |