Garry's Mod Wiki


  table util.TraceHull( table TraceData )


Performs an AABB hull (axis-aligned bounding box, aka not rotated) trace with the given trace data.

Clientside entities will not be hit by traces. This can be changed after next update.
This function may not always give desired results clientside due to certain physics mechanisms not existing on the client. Use it serverside for accurate results.


1 table TraceData
The trace data to use. See HullTrace structure


1 table
Trace result. See TraceResult structure


From a SWEP:PrimaryAttack()

local tr = util.TraceHull( { start = self:GetOwner():GetShootPos(), endpos = self:GetOwner():GetShootPos() + ( self:GetOwner():GetAimVector() * 100 ), filter = self:GetOwner(), mins = Vector( -10, -10, -10 ), maxs = Vector( 10, 10, 10 ), mask = MASK_SHOT_HULL } )


Visual representation of a Hull Trace.

function ENT:Draw() self:DrawModel() local ent = self local mins = ent:OBBMins() local maxs = ent:OBBMaxs() local startpos = ent:GetPos() local dir = ent:GetUp() local len = 128 local tr = util.TraceHull( { start = startpos, endpos = startpos + dir * len, maxs = maxs, mins = mins, filter = ent } ) render.DrawLine( tr.HitPos, startpos + dir * len, color_white, true ) render.DrawLine( startpos, tr.HitPos, Color( 0, 0, 255 ), true ) local clr = color_white if ( tr.Hit ) then clr = Color( 255, 0, 0 ) end render.DrawWireframeBox( startpos, Angle( 0, 0, 0 ), mins, maxs, Color( 255, 255, 255 ), true ) render.DrawWireframeBox( tr.HitPos, Angle( 0, 0, 0 ), mins, maxs, clr, true ) end


Trace a player sized hull to detect if a player can spawn here without getting stuck inside anything.

local pos = Entity(1):GetPos() -- Choose your position. local tr = { start = pos, endpos = pos, mins = Vector( -16, -16, 0 ), maxs = Vector( 16, 16, 71 ) } local hullTrace = util.TraceHull( tr ) if ( hullTrace.Hit ) then -- Find a new spawnpoint end