Garry's Mod Wiki


  table ents.FindInBox( Vector boxMins, Vector boxMaxs )


Returns all entities within the specified box.

This internally uses a Spatial Partition to avoid looping through all entities, so it is more efficient than using ents.GetAll for this purpose.

Clientside entities will not be returned by this function. Serverside only entities without networked edicts (entity indexes), such as point logic or Constraints are not returned either


1 Vector boxMins
The box minimum coordinates.
2 Vector boxMaxs
The box maximum coordinates.


1 sequental table<Entity>
A table of all found entities.


Returns a table of players in a box using ents.FindInBox

function ents.FindPlayersInBox( vCorner1, vCorner2 ) local tEntities = ents.FindInBox( vCorner1, vCorner2 ) local tPlayers = {} local iPlayers = 0 for i = 1, #tEntities do if ( tEntities[ i ]:IsPlayer() ) then iPlayers = iPlayers + 1 tPlayers[ iPlayers ] = tEntities[ i ] end end return tPlayers, iPlayers end