Garry's Mod Wiki


  table CNavArea:GetSpotEncounters()


Returns all possible path segments through a CNavArea, and the dangerous spots to look at as we traverse that path segment.


1 table encounters
A sequential list of spot encounters in the following format:
  • CNavArea from - What CNavArea the path segment is coming from
  • Vector from_pos - Origin position of the path segment
  • number from_dir - Source NavDir enum direction of the path segment
  • CNavArea to - What CNavArea the path segment is going towards
  • Vector to_pos - Target position of the path segment
  • number to_dir - Target NavDir enum direction of the path segment
  • table spots - List of spots to look at, a sequential list of the following structures:
    • Vector pos - Position of the spot
    • table flags - Type of spot this is
    • CNavArea area - The nav area the spot belongs to