Garry's Mod Wiki




FCVAR_ARCHIVE128Save the ConVar value into either client.vdf or server.vdf

Reported as "a" by cvarlist, except Lua ConVars

FCVAR_ARCHIVE_XBOX16777216Save the ConVar value into config.vdf on XBox
FCVAR_CHEAT16384Requires sv_cheats to be enabled to change the ConVar or run the command

Reported as "cheat" by cvarlist

FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE1073741824IVEngineClient::ClientCmd is allowed to execute this command

Reported as "clientcmd_can_execute" by cvarlist

FCVAR_CLIENTDLL8ConVar is defined by the client DLL.

This flag is set automatically

Reported as "cl" by cvarlist

FCVAR_DEMO65536Force the ConVar to be recorded by demo recordings.

Reported as "demo" by cvarlist

FCVAR_DONTRECORD131072Opposite of FCVAR_DEMO, ensures the ConVar is not recorded in demos

Reported as "norecord" by cvarlist

FCVAR_GAMEDLL4ConVar is defined by the game DLL.

This flag is set automatically

Reported as "sv" by cvarlist

FCVAR_LUA_CLIENT262144Set automatically on all ConVars and console commands created by the client Lua state.

Reported as "lua_client" by cvarlist

FCVAR_LUA_SERVER524288Set automatically on all ConVars and console commands created by the server Lua state.

Reported as "lua_server" by cvarlist

FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING4096Tells the engine to never print this variable as a string. This is used for variables which may contain control characters.

Reported as "numeric" by cvarlist

FCVAR_NOTIFY256For serverside ConVars, notifies all players with blue chat text when the value gets changed

Reported as "nf" by cvarlist

FCVAR_NOT_CONNECTED4194304Makes the ConVar not changeable while connected to a server or in singleplayer
FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY1024Forces the ConVar to only have printable characters ( No control characters )

Reported as "print" by cvarlist

FCVAR_PROTECTED32Makes the ConVar value hidden from all clients ( For example sv_password )

Reported as "prot" by cvarlist

FCVAR_REPLICATED8192For serverside ConVars, it will send its value to all clients. The ConVar with the same name must also exist on the client!

Reported as "rep" by cvarlist

FCVAR_SERVER_CANNOT_QUERY536870912Prevents the server from querying value of this ConVar
FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE268435456The server is allowed to execute this command on clients.

Reported as "server_can_execute" by cvarlist

FCVAR_SPONLY64Executing the command or changing the ConVar is only allowed in singleplayer

Reported as "sp" by cvarlist

FCVAR_UNLOGGED2048Don't log the ConVar changes to console/log files/users

Reported as "log" by cvarlist

FCVAR_UNREGISTERED1If this is set, the convar will become anonymous and won't show up in the 'find' results.
FCVAR_USERINFO512For clientside commands, sends the value to the server

Reported as "user" by cvarlist