GetAPIManifest( function callback )
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't.
Gets miscellaneous information from Facepunches API.
1 function callback
Callback to be called when the API request is done.
"ManifestVersion": number - Version of the manifest
"Date": string - Date the data was retrieved
// Contains all the blog posts, the things in the top right of the menu
"News": {
"Blogs": [
// Structure of blog posts
"Date": string - Date the post was created
"ShortName": string - Short name of the post, identifier of it on the blog website
"Title": string - Title of the post
"HeaderImage": string - Main image of the post, showed in the top right
"SummaryHtml": string - Summary of the blogpost, text thats shown to the user
"Url": string - URL to the post on the blog
"Tags": string - String of the posts tag
// Array of Facepunches Mods, Admins and Developers
"Administrators": [
"UserId": string - SteamID64 of the person
"Level": string - Level of the user (Administrator, Developer or Moderator)
// Unused and contains nothing useful
"Heroes": {}
"SentryUrl": string - Nothing
"DatabaseUrl" string - URL to the Facepunch API (/database/{action}/)
"FeedbackUrl" string - URL to the Facepunch API (/feedback/add/)
"ReportUrl" string - URL to the Facepunch API (/feedback/report/)
"LeaderboardUrl" string - URL to the Facepunch API (/leaderboard/{action}/)
"BenchmarkUrl" string - URL to the Facepunch API (/benchmark/add/)
"AccountUrl" string - URL to the Facepunch API (/account/{action}/)
"Servers": {
"Official": [] // Nothing
// List of blacklisted servers
"Banned": [
string - IP of the blacklisted server
Function argument(s):
Formatted output:
Page views: 4,857
Updated: This Year
Updated: This Year