spawnmenu.AddCreationTab( string name, function function, string material = "icon16/exclamation.png", number order = 1000, string tooltip = nil )
Inserts a new tab into the CreationMenus table, which will be used by the creation menu to generate its tabs (Spawnlists, Weapons, Entities, etc.)
2 function function
The function called to generate the content of the tab.
Function return value(s):
1 Panel content - A container panel that holds all of the content for the new tab.
3 string material = "icon16/exclamation.png"
Path to the material that will be used as an icon on the tab.
4 number order = 1000
The order in which this tab should be shown relative to the other tabs on the creation menu.
An excerpt from the Dupe creation menu tab.
Output: A new tab named "Dupes" will be placed in the creation menu.