Garry's Mod Wiki


  steamworks.Publish( string filename, string image, string name, string desc, table tags, function callback, number fileid = nil, string changelist = "None given." )


This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't.

Publishes dupes, saves or demos to workshop.


1 string filename
Path to the file to upload
2 string image
Path to the image to use as icon
3 string name
Name of the Workshop submission
4 string desc
Description of the Workshop submission
5 table tags
The workshop tags to apply
6 function callback
Callback for when the publishing process finishes.
Function argument(s):
1 number fileID - If success, file id of the published item.
2 string error - On failure, the error message.
7 number fileid = nil
If set, the file ID to update
8 string changelist = "None given."
List of changes when updating an item.