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  boolean ENTITY:DoImpactEffect( table tr, number damageType )


Called so the entity can override the bullet impact effects it makes. This is called when the entity itself fires bullets via Entity:FireBullets, not when it gets hit.

This hook only works for the anim type entities.


1 table tr
A TraceResult structure from the bullet's start point to the impact point
2 number damageType
The damage type of bullet. See DMG enum


1 boolean
Return true to not do the default thing - which is to call UTIL_ImpactTrace in C++


Makes the ENT have the AR2 bullet impact effect.

function ENT:DoImpactEffect( tr, nDamageType ) if ( tr.HitSky ) then return end local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetOrigin( tr.HitPos + tr.HitNormal ) effectdata:SetNormal( tr.HitNormal ) util.Effect( "AR2Impact", effectdata ) end