cam.Start3D( Vector pos = <current view pos>, Angle angles = <current view angles>, number fov = <current view FOV>, number x = <current view X>, number y = <current view Y>, number w = <current view width>, number h = <current view height>, number zNear = <current view zNear>, number zFar = <current view zFar> )
Sets up a new 3D rendering context. Must be finished by cam.End3D.
For more advanced settings such as an orthographic view, use cam.Start instead, which this is an alias of basically.
This is a rendering hook which provides a 3d rendering context.
8 number zNear = <current view zNear>
Distance to near clipping plane.
and zFar
need a value before any of them work.
zNear also requires a value higher than 0.