Garry's Mod Wiki


  Entity:TakeDamageInfo( CTakeDamageInfo damageInfo )


Applies the damage specified by the damage info to the entity.

Calling this function on the victim entity in ENTITY:OnTakeDamage can cause infinite loops.
This function does not seem to do any damage if you apply it to a player who is driving a prop_vehicle_jeep or prop_vehicle_jeep_old vehicle. You need to call it on the vehicle instead.
This function does not apply damage to func_breakable_surf entities correctly. To do this, you will need to use Entity:DispatchTraceAttack instead.


1 CTakeDamageInfo damageInfo
The damage to apply.


Dissolve the target into oblivion.

function DissolveIt( ent, ply ) local d = DamageInfo() d:SetDamage( ent:Health() ) d:SetAttacker( ply or ent ) d:SetDamageType( DMG_DISSOLVE ) ent:TakeDamageInfo( d ) end concommand.Add( "dissolve_it", function( ply, cmd, arg ) local ent = ply:GetEyeTrace().Entity if ( !IsValid( ent ) ) then return end -- Not looking at a valid entity DissolveIt( ent, ply ) end )


If you just want to dissolve your SENT, you may need to use env_entity_dissolver for this, like below;

function MakeDissolver( ent, position, attacker, dissolveType ) local Dissolver = ents.Create( "env_entity_dissolver" ) timer.Simple(5, function() if IsValid(Dissolver) then Dissolver:Remove() -- backup edict save on error end end) Dissolver.Target = "dissolve"..ent:EntIndex() Dissolver:SetKeyValue( "dissolvetype", dissolveType ) Dissolver:SetKeyValue( "magnitude", 0 ) Dissolver:SetPos( position ) Dissolver:SetPhysicsAttacker( attacker ) Dissolver:Spawn() ent:SetName( Dissolver.Target ) Dissolver:Fire( "Dissolve", Dissolver.Target, 0 ) Dissolver:Fire( "Kill", "", 0.1 ) return Dissolver end concommand.Add( "dissolve_it", function( ply, cmd, arg ) local ent = ply:GetEyeTrace().Entity if ( !IsValid( ent ) ) then return end -- Not looking at a valid entity local dissolver = MakeDissolver( ent, ent:GetPos(), ply, 0 ) end )


Damage the vehicle if you need to kill the player inside.

function TakeDamage( victim, damage, attacker, inflictor ) local dmg = DamageInfo() -- Create a server-side damage information class dmg:SetDamage( damage ) dmg:SetAttacker( attacker ) dmg:SetInflictor( inflictor ) dmg:SetDamageType( DMG_ENERGYBEAM ) victim:TakeDamageInfo( dmg ) end concommand.Add( "kill_this_entity", function( ply, cmd, args ) local target = ply:GetEyeTrace().Entity if ( target:IsVehicle() ) then target = target:GetDriver() -- Convert this to damage the plater inside end -- When target is a player in a vehicle will not get damaged TakeDamage( target, target:Health(), ply, ply:GetActiveWeapon() ) end )