Garry's Mod Wiki


  net.Receive( string messageName, function callback )


Adds a net message handler. Only one receiver can be used to receive the net message.

You can use the net.Read* functions within the message handler callback.

You should put this function outside of any other function or hook for it to work properly unless you know what you are doing!

You must read information in the same order as you write it.

Each net message has a length limit of 64KB!


1 string messageName
The message name to hook to.
The message-name is converted to lower-case so the message-names "BigBlue" and "bigblue" would be equal.
2 function callback
The function to be called if the specified message was received.
Function argument(s):
1 number len - Length of the message, in bits.
2 Player ply - The player that sent the message, works only server-side.


An example with receiving message clientside, when sent from the server.

if ( SERVER ) then util.AddNetworkString( "message_to_clients" ) concommand.Add( "send_message", function( ply, cmd, args ) net.Start( "message_to_clients" ) net.WriteString( args[ 1 ] or "my very cool message, yeah!" ) net.WriteUInt( 1337, 16 ) net.Broadcast() end ) else net.Receive( "message_to_clients", function( len, ply ) print( "Message from server received. Its length is " .. len .. "." ) -- We read in the same order as we written local message = net.ReadString() local myCoolNumber = net.ReadUInt( 16 ) print( "The message was: ", message ) print( "The cool number was: ", myCoolNumber ) end ) end
] send_message test Message from server received. Its length is 56. The message was: test The cool number was: 1337


An example with receiving message serverside, when sent from a client.

if ( SERVER ) then util.AddNetworkString( "message_to_server" ) net.Receive( "message_to_server", function( len, ply ) print( "Message from " .. ply:Nick() .. " received. Its length is " .. len .. "." ) -- We read in the same order as we written local message = net.ReadString() local myCoolNumber = net.ReadUInt( 16 ) print( "The message was: ", message ) print( "The cool number was: ", myCoolNumber ) end ) else concommand.Add( "send_message_to_server", function( ply, cmd, args ) net.Start( "message_to_server" ) net.WriteString( args[ 1 ] or "my very cool message, yeah!" ) net.WriteUInt( 1337, 16 ) net.SendToServer() end ) end
] send_message_to_server test Message from Rubat received. Its length is 56. The message was: test The cool number was: 1337