This is the list of utility functions.
Adds the specified string to a string table, which will cache it and network it to all clients automatically.
Whenever you want to create a net message with net. Start, you must add the name of that message as a networked string via this function.
If the passed string already exists, nothing will happen and the ID of the existing item will be returned.
Each unique network name needs to be pooled once - do not put this function call into any other functions if you're using a constant string. Preferable place for this function is in a serverside lua file, or in a shared file with the net. Receive function.
The string table used for this function does not interfere with the engine string tables and has 4095 slots.
This limit is shared among all entities, SetNW* and SetGlobal* functions. If you exceed the limit, you cannot create new variables, and you will get the following warning:
Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add [key]Existing variables will still get updated without the warning. You can check the limit by counting up until util. NetworkIDToString returns nil
Vector util.AimVector( Angle ViewAngles, number ViewFOV, number x, number y, number scrWidth, number scrHeight )
Function used to calculate aim vector from 2D screen position. It is used in SuperDOF calculate Distance.
Essentially a generic version of gui. ScreenToVector.
Decodes the specified string from base64.
Encodes the specified string to base64.
Unless disabled with the inline argument, the Base64 returned is compliant to the RFC 2045 standard. This means it will have a line break after every 76th character.
util.BlastDamage( Entity inflictor, Entity attacker, Vector damageOrigin, number damageRadius, number damage )
Applies explosion damage to all entities in the specified radius. Performs block checking.
Applies spherical damage based on damage info to all entities in the specified radius.
Compresses the given string using the LZMA algorithm.
Use with net. WriteData and net. ReadData for networking and util. Decompress to decompress the data.
The output of this function will have the uncompressed size of the data prepended to it as an 8-byte little-endian integer. Source
You may therefore experience issues using the output of this function outside of Garry's Mod. If you need to do this, you will need to manually strip the first 8 bytes from the compressed output, or use third-party tools such as gmod-lzma to decompress the output instead.
Generates the CRC Checksum of the specified string.
This is NOT a hashing function. It is a checksum, typically used for error detection/data corruption detection. It is possible for this function to generate "collisions", where two different strings will produce the same CRC. If you need a hashing function, use util. SHA256.
Performs a trace and paints a decal to the surface hit.
util.DecalEx( IMaterial material, Entity ent, Vector position, Vector normal, table color, number w, number h )
Performs a trace and paints a decal to the surface hit.
This function has trouble spanning across multiple brushes on the map.
Gets the full material path by the decal name. Used with util. DecalEx.
If decal specifies multiple materials, a random one will be chosen.
Decompresses the given string using LZMA algorithm. Used to decompress strings previously compressed with util. Compress.
This function expects the compressed input data to have the uncompressed size of the data prepended to it as an 8-byte little-endian integer. Source
If your compressed input data was compressed by util. Compress, you don't need to worry about this - the uncompressed size of the data is already prepended to its output.
However, if your compressed data was produced using standard tools outside of Garry's Mod, you will need to manually prepend the length of the uncompressed data to its compressed form as an 8-byte little endian integer, or use third-party tools such as gmod-lzma to compress your data instead.
Gets the distance between a line and a point in 3d space.
util.Effect( string effectName, CEffectData effectData, boolean allowOverride = true, any ignorePredictionOrRecipientFilter = nil )
Creates an effect with the specified data.
For Orange Box . pcf particles, see ParticleEffect, ParticleEffectAttach and CreateParticleSystem.
When dispatching an effect from the server, some values may be clamped for networking optimizations. Visit the Set accessors on CEffectData to see which ones are affected.
You will need to couple this function with IsFirstTimePredicted if you want to use it in a predicted hook.
Filters given text using Steam's filtering system. The function will obey local client's Steam settings for chat filtering:
In some cases, especially in a chatbox, messages from some players may return an empty string if the context argument used for filtering is TEXT_FILTER_CHAT and if the local player has blocked the sender of the message on Steam.
Converts the full path of the given file to a relative path.
You can use util. RelativePathToFull_Menu to convert the relative path back to the full path.
Returns the ID of a custom model activity. This is useful for models that define custom ones.
See util. GetActivityNameByID for a function that does the opposite.
Returns a name for given activity ID. This is useful for models that define custom animation events.
See util. GetActivityIDByName for a function that does the opposite.
Returns the ID of a custom model animation event. This is useful for models that define custom animation events.
See util. GetAnimEventNameByID for a function that does the opposite.
Returns a name for given automatically generated numerical animation event ID. This is useful for models that define custom animation events.
See util. GetAnimEventIDByName for a function that does the opposite.
Returns a table containing the info about the model.
This function will silently fail if used on models with following strings in them:
Returns a table of visual meshes of given model.
This does not work on brush models (*number models)
See also ENTITY:GetRenderMesh.
Gets persistent data of an offline player using their SteamID.
See also Player:GetPData for a more convenient version of this function for online players, util. RemovePData and
util. SetPData for the other accompanying functions.
This function internally uses util. SteamIDTo64, it previously utilized Player:UniqueID which can cause collisions (two or more players sharing the same PData entry). This function now only uses the old method as a fallback if the name isn't found.
Creates a new PixVis handle. See util. PixelVisible.
Utility function to quickly generate a trace table that starts at the players view position, and ends 32768 units along a specified direction.
For usage with util. TraceLine and similar functions.
table util.GetSunInfo()
Gets information about the sun position and obstruction or nil if there is no sun.
Returns data of a surface property at given ID.
Returns the matching surface property index for the given surface property name.
See also util. GetSurfaceData and util. GetSurfacePropName for opposite function.
Returns the name of a surface property at given ID.
See also util. GetSurfaceData and util. GetSurfaceIndex for opposite function.
table util.GetUserGroups()
Returns a table of all SteamIDs that have a usergroup.
This returns the original usergroups table, changes done to this table are not retroactive and will only affect newly connected usersThis returns only groups that are registered in the settings/users. txt file of your server.
In order to get the usergroup of a connected player, please use Player:GetUserGroup instead.
Vector, Vector, number util.IntersectRayWithOBB( Vector rayStart, Vector rayDelta, Vector boxOrigin, Angle boxAngles, Vector boxMins, Vector boxMaxs )
Performs a Ray-OBB (Orientated Bounding Box) intersection and returns position, normal and the fraction if there was an intersection.
Vector util.IntersectRayWithPlane( Vector rayOrigin, Vector rayDirection, Vector planePosition, Vector planeNormal )
Performs a ray-plane intersection and returns the hit position or nil.
number, number util.IntersectRayWithSphere( Vector rayOrigin, Vector rayDelta, Vector spherePosition, number sphereRadius )
Performs a ray-sphere intersection and returns the intersection positions or nil.
Returns whether a binary module is installed and is resolvable by require.
boolean util.IsBoxIntersectingSphere( Vector boxMin, Vector boxMax, Vector shpere2Position, number sphere2Radius )
Performs a box-sphere intersection and returns whether there was an intersection or not.
Checks if the model is loaded in the game.
boolean util.IsOBBIntersectingOBB( Vector box1Origin, Angle box1Angles, Vector box1Mins, Vector box1Maxs, Vector box2Origin, Angle box2Angles, Vector box2Mins, Vector box2Maxs, number tolerance )
Performs OBB on OBB intersection test.
boolean util.IsPointInCone( Vector point, Vector coneOrigin, Vector coneAxis, number coneSine, number coneLength )
Returns whether a point is within a cone or not.
boolean, number, number util.IsRayIntersectingRay( Vector ray1Start, Vector ray1End, Vector ray2Start, Vector ray2End )
Performs a ray-ray intersection and returns whether there was an intersection or not.
Check whether the skybox is visible from the point specified.
This will always return true in fullbright maps.
boolean util.IsSphereIntersectingCone( Vector sphereCenter, number sphereRadius, Vector coneOrigin, Vector coneAxis, number coneSine, number coneCosine )
Returns whether a sphere is intersecting a cone or not.
boolean util.IsSphereIntersectingSphere( Vector sphere1Position, number sphere1Radius, Vector sphere2Position, number sphere2Radius )
Performs a sphere-sphere intersection and returns whether there was an intersection or not.
Checks if the specified model is valid.
A model is considered invalid in following cases:
Starts with a space or maps
Doesn't start with models
Contains any of the following:
. bsp
If the model isn't precached on the server, AND if the model file doesn't exist on disk
If precache failed
Model is the error model
Running this function will also precache the model.
Checks if given numbered physics object of given entity is valid or not. Most useful for ragdolls.
Checks if the specified prop is valid.
Checks if the specified model name points to a valid ragdoll.
table or nil util.JSONToTable( string json, boolean ignoreLimits = false, boolean ignoreConversions = false )
Converts a JSON string to a Lua table.
See util. TableToJSON for the opposite function.
This will attempt to cast the string keys "inf", "nan", "true", and "false" to their respective Lua values. This completely ignores nulls in arrays. Issue Tracker: 3561Colors will not have the color metatable. Issue Tracker: 2407
table util.KeyValuesToTable( string keyValues, boolean usesEscapeSequences = false, boolean preserveKeyCase = false )
Converts a Valve KeyValue string (typically from util. TableToKeyValues) to a Lua table.
Due to how tables work in Lua, keys will not repeat within a table. See util. KeyValuesToTablePreserveOrder for alternative.
table util.KeyValuesToTablePreserveOrder( string keyvals, boolean usesEscapeSequences = false, boolean preserveKeyCase = false )
Similar to util. KeyValuesToTable but it also preserves order of keys.
Returns a vector in world coordinates based on an entity and local coordinates
Generates the MD5 hash of the specified string.
MD5 is considered cryptographically broken and is known to be vulnerable to a variety of attacks including duplicate return values. If security or duplicate returns is a concern, use util. SHA256.
Returns the networked string associated with the given ID from the string table.
Returns the networked ID associated with the given string from the string table.
Creates a tracer effect with the given parameters.
util.ParticleTracerEx( string name, Vector startPos, Vector endPos, boolean doWhiz, number entityIndex, number attachmentIndex )
Creates a tracer effect with the given parameters.
Returns the visibility of a sphere in the world.
Returns the contents of the position specified.
This function will sample only the world environments. It can be used to check if Entity:GetPos is underwater for example unlike Entity:WaterLevel which works for players only.
util.PrecacheModel( string modelName )
Precaches a model for later use. Model is cached after being loaded once.
Modelprecache is limited to 8192 unique models. When it reaches the limit the game will crash.
util.PrecacheSound( string soundName )
Precaches a sound for later use. Sound is cached after being loaded once.
Soundcache is limited to 16384 unique sounds on the server. Broken on purpose because hitting the limit above causes the server to shutdownUltimately does nothing on client, and only works with sound scripts, not direct paths.
Performs a trace with the given origin, direction, and filter.
This function will throw an error in the menu realm because it internally uses util. TraceLine which doesn't exist in the menu realm and thus error.
Converts the relative path of a given file to the full path on disk.
You can use util. FullPathToRelative_Menu to convert the full path back to the relative path.
Returns which Workshop addon the given file belongs to.
Removes persistent data of an offline player using their SteamID.
See also Player:RemovePData for a more convenient version of this function for online players, util. SetPData and
util. GetPData for the other accompanying functions.
This function internally uses util. SteamIDTo64, it previously utilized Player:UniqueID which can cause collisions (two or more players sharing the same PData entry). This function now tries to remove both old and new entries.
util.ScreenShake( Vector pos, number amplitude, number frequency, number duration, number radius, boolean airshake = false, CRecipientFilter filter = nil )
Makes the screen shake.
The screen shake effect is rendered by modifying the view origin on the client. If you override the view origin in GM:CalcView you may not be able to see the shake effect.
Sets persistent data for offline player using their SteamID.
See also Player:SetPData for a more convenient version of this function for online players, util. RemovePData and
util. GetPData for the other accompanying functions.
This function internally uses util. SteamIDTo64, it previously utilized Player:UniqueID which could have caused collisions (two or more players sharing the same PData entry).
Generates the SHA-1 hash of the specified string.
SHA-1 is considered cryptographically broken and is known to be vulnerable to a variety of attacks. If security is a concern, use util. SHA256.
Generates the SHA-256 hash of the specified string. This is unique and will never return the same hash for a different string unlike util. CRC or util. MD5 which are both vulnerable to duplicate returns.
Generates a random float value that should be the same on client and server.
This function is best used in a predicted hook
Entity util.SpriteTrail( Entity ent, number attachmentID, table color, boolean additive, number startWidth, number endWidth, number lifetime, number textureRes, string texture )
Adds a trail to the specified entity.
Given a 64bit SteamID will return a STEAM_0:0:0 style Steam ID.
This operation induces data loss. Not all fields of a 64bit SteamID can be represented using the STEAM_0:0:0 format.
Converts a STEAM_0:0:0 style SteamID to a 64bit SteamID.
Converts a string to the specified type.
This can be useful when dealing with ConVars.
Converts a table to a JSON string.
See util. JSONToTable for the opposite function.
All keys are strings in the JSON format, so all keys of other types will be converted to strings!
This can lead to loss of data where a number key could be converted into an already existing string key! (for example in a table like this: {["5"] = "ok", [5] = "BBB"})
All integers will be output as decimals (5 -> 5. 0), since all numbers in Lua are internally floating point values. This will produce invalid JSON if the provided table contains nan or inf values. Issue Tracker: 3561
Converts the given table into a Valve key value string.
Use util. KeyValuesToTable to perform the opposite transformation.
You should consider using util. TableToJSON instead.
Creates a timer object. The returned timer will be already started with given duration.
number util.TimerCycle()
Returns the time since this function has been last called
We advise against using this. It may be changed or removed in a future update.
You should use tobool instead.
Converts string or a number to a bool, if possible. Alias of tobool.
Runs a trace using the entity's collisionmodel between two points. This does not take the entity's angles into account and will trace its unrotated collisionmodel.
Identical to util. TraceHull but uses an entity's Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (AABB) for mins/maxs inputs. (These 2 keys will be ignored in the provided table)
Performs an AABB hull (axis-aligned bounding box, aka not rotated) trace with the given trace data.
This trace type cannot hit hitboxes.
See util. TraceLine for a simple line ("ray") trace.
This function may not always give desired results clientside due to certain physics mechanisms not existing on the client. Use it serverside for accurate results.
Performs an infinitely thin, invisible ray trace (or "trace") in a line based on the input and returns a table that contains information about what, if anything, the trace line hit or intersected.
Traces intersect with the physics meshes of solid, server-side, entities (including the game world) but cannot detect client-side only entities unless hitclientonly is set to true.
See ents. FindAlongRay if you wish for the trace to not stop on first intersection.
See util. TraceHull for a "box" type trace.
Traces do not differentiate between the inside and the outside faces of physics meshes. Because of this, if a trace starts within a solid physics mesh it will hit the inside faces of the physics mesh and may return unexpected values as a result.
You can use r_visualizetraces set to 1 (requires sv_cheats set to 1) to visualize traces in real time for debugging purposes.
Converts a type to a (nice, but still parsable) string
boolean util.worldpicker.Active()
Returns if the user is currently picking an entity.
util.worldpicker.Finish( table tr )
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't.
Finishes the world picking. This is called when a user presses their mouse after calling util. worldpicker. Start.
util.worldpicker.Start( function callback )
Starts picking an entity in the world. This will suppress the next mouse click, and instead use it as a direction in the trace sent to the callback.