Garry's Mod Wiki

Recent Changes

Entity:GetBoneParent - Minor Change
by wget
GM:KeyRelease - Minor Change
by Rubat
GM:KeyPress - Minor Change
by Rubat
3 Days Ago
Global.CreateSound - Minor Change
by Rubat
sound.EmitHint - Minor Change
by Rubat
sound.EmitHint - Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change
by Rubat
sound.GetTable - Minor Change
by Rubat
sound.Add - Minor Change
by Rubat
4 Days Ago
Gradients - changed non existant materials to vgui/grad* from gui/grad*
by Glebux
Global.ProtectedCall - Add docs for new vararg feature
by Phatso
5 Days Ago
Global.RunGameUICommand - Changed `Not running engine cmd' note to be a warning
by Glebux
search.AddProvider - link to mentioned page
by Seven
7 Days Ago
Auto_Refresh - Added hotloading to title
Player:SetRunSpeed - Minor Change
by Stricky
Player:SetWalkSpeed - Minor Change
by Stricky
9 Days Ago
Using_your_Physgun - Fix title tag
Tools/Balloons - Added banner
10 Days Ago
constraint.GetTable - Minor Change
by Rubat
by Rubat
Using_your_Physgun - Expanded title for searchability + Minor Change
vararg - Reverted title + Minor Change
Auto_Refresh - Break up link
Auto_Refresh - Remove mentions of non existant shared file loading
11 Days Ago
cookie.Delete - Adjusted naming to match related functions
cookie.Set - Added example
cookie.Delete - Added example
cookie - Reworked summary | Sidebar test + Removed non-functional title tag
vararg - Complete rework | More examples
12 Days Ago
Entity:Activate - Minor Change
Networking_Entities - Minor Change + Minor Change
thread - Changed title
userdata - Changed title
List-Styled_Tables - Changed title
Tables:_Bad_Habits - Changed title
BaseClasses - Minor Change + Clarified wording around Base and Parent Classes + Minor Change
number - Removed useless mention of the Math library using numbers and added a note about numbers being 16 bits wide
BaseClasses - Minor Change
13 Days Ago
BaseClasses - Spelling fixes
BaseClasses - Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change
baseclass.Set - Added link to BaseClasses reference page
baseclass.Get - Added link to BaseClasses reference page
Global.DEFINE_BASECLASS - Added link to BaseClasses reference page
BaseClasses - Added finished examples and example output + Published
BaseClasses - Added in-progress examples
BaseClasses - Added Terms and Definitions section and removed What is a Base Class section. Improved wording on definitions
Global.FireProblem - Extended / added example
14 Days Ago
resource.AddFile - Minor Change
by Stricky
Problems_Menu - Basic overview of the problems menu
math.random - Added example titles
Player_Classes - Fix bad formatting
by Dotty
15 Days Ago
resource.AddFile - remove duplicate information
by Rubat
File_Search_Paths - Minor Change
by Rubat
Flag_Icon_List - Remove useless note + Minor Change
by Rubat
Silkicons - Minor Change
by Rubat
Props-Construction - This is taking this way too far
by Rubat
Props-Construction - Page stub + Content test
IMaterial:Width - Minor Change
by Rubat
IMaterial:Height - Minor Change + Minor Change
by Rubat
Angle - Formatting + Example title
BaseClasses - Added examples and a super badly worded explanatory paragraph
gamemodes/DarkRP - Formatted controls & commands
light_userdata - Moved to userdata
light_userdata - Unlisted - Merged into userdata
userdata - Merged userdata docs
Tools/Axis - Added banner
16 Days Ago
BaseClasses - Created Page
Metamethods - Changed title capitalization for readability
Meta_Tables - Removed space from title for search-ability
Gradients - this is a gui thing
by Seven
Entity:GetParentAttachment - Note that this will return Bone ID instead of Attachment ID with EF_FOLLOWBONE
Materials_and_Textures - Linked gradients page
Gradients - Added gradients overview
17 Days Ago
steamworks.Download - Minor Change
by Rubat
Global.Material - De bloat the overusage of <note> templates + Minor Change
by Rubat
Entity:SetParent - Note that Attachment ID will become Bone ID with EF_FOLLOWBONE
18 Days Ago
Addons - Restructured page
Stack:Pop - Fix return value
19 Days Ago
Mounting_Content_on_a_Dedicated_Server - Reworked part of the page
Filesystem - Minor Change
render.SetBlend - Add note about alphatest
resource.AddWorkshop - Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change
by Rubat
resource.AddSingleFile - Minor Change
by Rubat
resource.AddFile - Minor Change
by Rubat
Mounting_Content_on_a_Dedicated_Server - Rewrote part of the page
render.SetBlend - Rewrote page, added better example and example with overlapping fixed
20 Days Ago
Enums/CLASS - Formatted values table
The_Context_Menu - Add page link for example usage of desktop widgets
21 Days Ago
GM:OnSpawnMenuOpen - Revert last changes (This hook isn't used to prevent spawn menu from opening, see source code)
by Florian
Loading_URL - Reworked url information + Fixed code block type
GM:OnSpawnMenuOpen - Add the return value
by Wasied
Global_Variables - Reworked global tables list into table
Global_Variables - Added link icons
Dev_Branch - Added SteamCMD instructions
22 Days Ago
Dev_Branch - Updated branch switching guide
Addon_Localization - Minor Change
by Rubat
Custom_Entity_Fields - Minor Change
by Rubat
Command_Line_Parameters - Updated steam configuration guide
Using_your_Physgun - Added some example gifs
Wiki_Page_Requests - Restructured / formatted page a bit
Important_Filetypes - Minor Change + removal of JPG, unneeded
by Seven
Important_Filetypes - Added Warning Tags for Engine Limits + Moved indicating sentance below warning
by Seven
Important_Filetypes - Created Page
by Seven
23 Days Ago
SourceScheme - Reworked default colors table
Wiki_Page_Requests - A1 Covered Stencils
by Seven
Serving_Content - Create initial page + Small tweaks
by Redox
Global.Angle - Removed default value from pitch as it will produce 0,0,0 if pitch is nil
by Seven
by Seven
by Seven
Panel:ChildCount - source
by Seven
Tools/Balloons - Created balloons tool page
ConVars_In_Garrysmod - Improved table formatting
Command_Line_Parameters - Improved table formatting
Achievements_List - Created achievement overview page + Adjusted sidebar name
24 Days Ago
by Seven
SourceScheme - updated sections
by Seven
VGUI_Element_List - ContextBase Isnt Exclusive to Sandbox
by Seven
Global.CurTime - Minor Change
by Rubat
cam.Start3D2D - replace terrible example with a more commonly wanted one + Minor Change + Minor Change
by Rubat
cam.PushModelMatrix - Minor Change
by Rubat
cam.PushModelMatrix - Combine the 2 similar examples into 1
by Rubat
CS:S_Kill_Icons - Created preview images for every icon
Blocked_ConCommands - Improved table formatting
Color_Pickers - Documented default color picker / palette
25 Days Ago
ENTITY:OnRemove - Minor Change
by Rubat
Default_Fonts - source for derma fonts
by Seven
Color:ToHSV - Adjusted wording
Specific_Operators - Reworked operators & aliases
Global.BroadcastLua - Add note about the consequences of sending too long of a string
by Phatso
26 Days Ago
Enums/MOVETYPE - Added MOVETYPE_PUSH note about setting Think frequency for smooth motion
Enums/MOVETYPE - Rewrote MOVETYPE_PUSH to clarify how to use it
GWEN.TextureColor - Minor Change
by Rubat
GWEN.TextureColor - Minor Change
by Rubat
Panel:SetFontInternal - Minor Change + Minor Change
by Rubat
render.PushRenderTarget - Minor Change
by Rubat
Entity:GetNetworkVars - Minor Change
by Rubat
SourceScheme - Created Page + fixed my codeblocks because kv isnt a language
by Seven
ents.Iterator - moved warning to relevant return value
by wget
player.Iterator - moved the warning to the relevant return value
by wget
player.Iterator - i used a real example, though anyone can just change it to something more generic if they want
by wget
ConVars_In_Garrysmod - Reworked the misc console variables table
Global.BRANCH - Clarified availability in realms
27 Days Ago
gui.AddCaption - Added Note for closecaption + Added example
by Isaac
Default_Fonts - Source for WorkshopLarge Font
by Seven
player.Iterator - Add warning about cache shenanigens
ents.Iterator - Add warning about messing with the cache
Understanding_AddCSLuaFile_and_include - Replaced networking diagram
Tools/Axis - Minor Rework
GM:PlayerSpawn - Fixed a typo
Console_Command_Auto-completion - Adjusted wiki links to use domain relative paths
render_stencils - Added note tag to text between outputs in the simple 2D example
Console_Command_Auto-completion - Almost complete rework
28 Days Ago
render_stencils - Added impossible space output gif + Added output explanation + Minor Change
render_stencils - Added impossible spaces example (no output currently)
render_stencils - Reformatted 2d Masking example title
Player:GetWeapons - restored note
by wget
Player:GetWeapons - removed unnecessary note
by wget
29 Days Ago
render.Capture - Added warning on escape menu capturing
Entity_Creating_Custom_Entities - Minor Change + Minor Change
render.ClearBuffersObeyStencil - Replaced note for clearing Stencil Buffer with render.ClearStencil
30 Days Ago
Global.Material - it also loads TGA files
by wget
Global.AddonMaterial - add that it works with any directory + Minor Change
by wget
Global.Material - fixed arg info + add info about file extensions
by wget
ENTITY:TestCollision - Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change
by Rubat
render.SetStencilTestMask - Removed confusing examples without images and clarified some page language + Minor Change + Added mention about this being a less-used Stencil function, added link to companion function + Minor Change + Minor Change
render.SetStencilWriteMask - Clarified language, removed confusing examples + Minor Change + Added mention about this being a less-used Stencil function, added link to companion function
render.SetStencilCompareFunction - Rewrote page, added flowchart
Finding_the_Font_Name - Rewrote much of the page, replaced upload tags with image tags, added headers, changed title
render.SetStencilFailOperation - Rewrote page and added flowchart + Removed example as it breaks in many cases + Minor Change
render.SetStencilZFailOperation - Rewrote page and added flowchart
render.SetStencilPassOperation - Rewrote page, added flowchart + Minor Change
31 Days Ago
render.SetStencilReferenceValue - Rewrote page + Minor Change + Minor Change
render_stencils - Minor Change
render.SetStencilZFailOperation - Added link to Stencils Render Reference
render.SetStencilWriteMask - Added link to Stencils Render Reference
render.SetStencilTestMask - Added link to Stencils Render Reference
render.SetStencilReferenceValue - Added link to Stencils Render Reference
render.SetStencilPassOperation - Added link to Stencils Render Reference
render.SetStencilFailOperation - Added link to Stencils Render Reference
render.SetStencilCompareFunction - Added link to Stencils Render Reference
render.PerformFullScreenStencilOperation - Added link to Stencils Render Reference
net.ReadUInt - Minor Change
render.EndBeam - Added Beam Render Reference link
render.StartBeam - Minor Change
render.AddBeam - Added link to beams render reference
render.ClearStencilBufferRectangle - Added output gif and explanation
baseclass.Get - note + Minor Change
by wget
render.ClearStencilBufferRectangle - Renamed stencilValue to stencilBufferValue
render.ClearStencilBufferRectangle - Rewrote page, added example, renamed "originX" and "originY" to "startX" and "startY" to match "endX" and "endY" + Added link to Stencil render reference page + Added color material to example
32 Days Ago
math.cos - Added the numerical range (-1, 1)
math.sin - Added the numerical range (-1, 1)
HTML - Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change
by Rubat
DFrame - Minor Change
by Rubat
mesh.Begin - Updated "primiteCount" to "primitiveCount"
33 Days Ago
http.Post - Minor Change