Garry's Mod Wiki



This table is returned by surface.GetPanelPaintState.


number translate_x
The X coordinate for the top-left corner of the Panel currently being drawn.
number translate_y
The Y coordinate for the top-left corner of the Panel currently being drawn.
number scissor_left
The X coordinate for the left edge of the ScissorRect that surrounds the Panel that is currently being drawn.
number scissor_top
The Y coordinate for the top edge of the ScissorRect that surrounds the Panel that is currently being drawn.
number scissor_right
The X coordinate for the right edge of the ScissorRect that surrounds the Panel that is currently being drawn.
number scissor_bottom
The Y coordinate for the bottom edge of the ScissorRect that surrounds the Panel that is currently being drawn.
boolean scissor_enabled
Whether or not the Panel currently being drawn has render.SetScissorRect active.